

单词 master
释义 master¹ /ˈmɑːstə/ n.
1.(person in authority)+of dog主人;+of servant, slave雇主;老爷

The dog yelped excitedly when his master let him off the leash.主人解开了拴狗的皮带时, 狗兴奋地叫了起来。

My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private.老爷命令我只能私底下传递信息。

In 1777 several northern states encouraged white masters to free their slaves for military service.1777年, 北方的几个州鼓励白人奴隶主解放奴隶, 让他们参军。

to be your own master做自己的主人
2.(skilled person)大师;能手;高手
a master of the violin小提琴大师

He is a master at blocking progress.他特别擅长充当拦路虎。

(highly skilled in)很擅长某事

She was a master of gesture and emphases.她特别会做手势和使用强调语气。

Tandy was no master of fieldcraft.坦迪不太懂野外生存知识。

3.(artist)(尤指姓名不为人所知的)艺术家, 艺术大师

works by El Greco and other great masters埃尔•格列柯和其他绘画大师的作品

4.(person in control)掌控者;主宰者

I remember her always so strong, in control, always the master of the situation.我记得她总是很强硬, 总是牢牢地控制着局势。

(in control)+of situation, feelings, destiny控制…;掌控…

The prisoner is master of his or her own destiny.犯人掌控着自己的命运。

Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions.杰克逊总是能够控制自己的感情, 保持冷静。

(in full control of)完全掌控…

This was before man was a total master of his environment.这是在人类完全掌控周围环境之前。

5.(abstract power)掌控;主宰

They regarded fate as master of their lives.他们认为命运主宰了他们的生活。


It was difficult for a craftsman to reach the status of master.从工匠升为大师很难。

7.(original copy)原件;母带;模板

Keep one as a master for your own reference and circulate the others.留着一份原件供自己查阅, 其他的发给别人。

8.【体】(successful player)(尤指国际象棋、桥牌比赛中的)大师级选手

a self-taught chess grand master自学成才的国际象棋大师

9.【教育】(college principal)(某些学院的)院长, 校长
10.(religious teacher)(为追随者推崇的)宗教导师, 宗教领袖

She believed that she had been selected by the Master to reveal forgotten wisdom.她认为自己已经被大师选中来揭示被人们遗忘的智慧。

He followed the example of his master, Nichiren.他效法他的宗教导师日莲上人。


Master of Arts文学硕士

12.【海】(ship's officer)商船船长
master of ceremonies司仪
14.<英>(male teacher)男教师

the French master男法语教师

15.【律】(court officer)(最高法院的)法官助理
16.(superior side)(比赛中的)强者, 占上风的一方

He has met his master.他遇到了他的克星。

17.【机】(machine controlling another)主导装置;母机
18.【政】(heir apparent)(苏格兰子爵或男爵的子嗣中)有确定继承权的人

the Master of Ballantrae巴伦特雷的确定继承人

19.the master<南非,非正式>(man of house)男主人
master² /ˈmɑːstə/ comp.
the master race统治民族
the master plan总计划
3.【机】(controlling other devices)控制的;支配的

the master switch总开关

the master bedroom主卧
5.(highly skilled)技术熟练的;精通的
a master thief神偷

a master chef手艺高超的厨师

6.(qualified)+ craftsman, baker, plumber有资格的;高超的;能干的
a master baker面包大师

a master carpenter木工能手

a master copy一份母带
master³ /ˈmɑːstə/ vt.
1.(learn fully)+ details充分了解;+ language精通;+ technique掌握

He worked resolutely to master the intricacies of physics.他坚持不懈地工作, 以掌握物理学的奥妙。

I soon mastered the local dialect.我很快掌握了当地方言。

Students are expected to master a second language.学生应该掌握第二外语。

He has mastered the art of driving.他已经掌握了开车的技巧。

2.(defeat)+ situation, problem, feelings征服;制服;掌控;控制

You must master your emotions.你必须控制住自己的感情。

When you have mastered one situation you have to go on to the next.当你已经掌控了一个局面, 就得继续去控制下一个。

Confrontations must be mastered as they arise.冲突一出现就应该被控制住。

His genius alone has mastered every crisis.他仅凭个人的天才就化解了所有的危机。


We must master them or totally leave them to themselves.我们必须控制他们, 或者完全任其自由发展。





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