

单词 marshal
释义 marshal¹ /ˈmɑːʃəl/ n.
1.【军】(high-ranking officer)(陆军或空军)元帅

He wore the uniform of a Marshal of the Empire.他穿着帝国元帅制服。

Air Chief Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross空军元帅肯尼思•克罗斯爵士

2.(junior English barrister)(英国)巡回法官秘书, 巡回法官助理
3.(US court officer)(美国)联邦司法区执法官

A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.一名联邦司法区执法官在枪战中身亡。

4.<美>(chief officer)(某些州的)警察局局长, 消防局局长

a Cleveland county fire marshal克利夫兰县消防局局长

5.(at sports event; for demonstration, meeting;organizer)司仪;典礼官;组织者;执行人员

The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals.国际汽车大奖赛由训练有素的工作人员管理。

During the demonstration, marshals handed over to the police a young man caught breaking shop windows.在示威游行期间, 组织者将一名打破商店玻璃被当场抓获的年轻男子交给警方。

6.(English royal officer)(尤指英国旧时负责典礼的)王室高级官员, 宫廷法官
marshal² /ˈmɑːʃəl/ vt.(marshals,marshalling,marshalledormarshals,marshaling,marshaled)
1.(arrange)+ resources, support集结;调集;+ facts, ideas组织;整理

the way Britain marshalled its economic resources英国集中经济资源的方式

He tried to marshal support for the scheme.他努力为这个计划争取支持。

He marshalled alarming facts to support his argument.他组织整理了一些惊人的事实来支持他的论点。

2.【军】(organize troops)使列成战斗队形;使集结备战

French soldiers were marshalled in fields beside the road.法国士兵在路边的田地里集结。

3.【金融】(arrange assets)(按优先顺序)排列(资产、抵押贷款等)
4.(guide)+ people(尤指按照礼节)引导, 引领

She marshalled them into a conference room.她引领他们去了会议室。

Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.理查德正引领着医生和护士, 告诉他们往哪儿走。





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