

单词 margin
释义 margin¹ /ˈmɑːdʒɪn/ n.
1.(border, edge)+of place边缘;边界;边境

the low coastal plain along the western margin沿着西部边境延伸的地势低平的沿海平原

We came to the margin of the wood.我们到了树林的边缘。

on the margins of sth在…的边缘

These islands are on the margins of human habitation.这些小岛处于人类聚居地的边缘。

2.(blank space on page)页边空白;页边;白边

Leave a wide margin for your own notes.在页边留一个宽白边, 便于自己做笔记。

in the margin在空白处

Put a tick in the margin.在空白处画勾。

They get a tick in the margin to show that it's right.他们在空白处画了一个对钩表示它是正确的。

She added her comments in the margin.她在页边的空白处加上了评语。

Write notes in the margin.把笔记写在页边的空白处。

3.(line on page)(尤指页面左边的)边界线

Draw a margin down the left-hand side.在左边画一条边界线。

4.(additional amount, allowance)余地;富余

Some margin for manoeuvre exists.还有一些回旋的余地。

a safety margin安全余地, 安全距离

Out in front, Clarke had built up such a sizeable safety margin that he eased the pace and started cruising.克拉克远远地开在前面, 已保持了一段足够长的安全距离, 于是放慢了速度, 开始巡航。

a margin for error误差值

I hope they will allow a decent margin for error.我希望他们能够允许一个较大的误差值。

The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error.钱是直接募集上来的, 基本上没有误差。

(in survey)(调查的)误差范围

The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.这次调查有3.4个百分点的正负误差范围。

5.(limit; between two things)(两者之间的)范围, 限度

It sports a G4 processor running at either 1.2 or 1.4 GHz, which places it right at the margin between low- and moderate-power.它使用的是以1.2或1.4千兆赫运行的第四代处理器, 其范围处于低功率和中等功率之间。

6.(fringe)+of society, group, activity边缘;边际

Millions live close to the margin while corruption is rife.腐败盛行时, 数百万的人在这个边缘徘徊。

the political margins政治边缘

signs of the party's rapid retreat to the political margins该政党迅速退向政治边缘的迹象

on the margins处于边缘地位

Students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, they're on the margins.学生们过去发挥了重要作用, 但现在处于边缘地带。

on the margins of society在社会边缘

a life of drug addiction and crime on the margins of society为毒瘾和犯罪所累而被排斥在主流社会之外的一生

7.(difference between totals; in election or contest)(尤指选票或比分的)差额, 差距, 领先幅度

A large margin separated the parties.党派之间的差距显著。

They could end up with a 50-point winning margin.他们最终可能以领先50分的成绩取胜。

The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin.《星期日泰晤士报》仍然是遥遥领先的最畅销报纸。

The margin in favor was 280-to-153.赞成一方以280票比153票的优势领先。

a margin of victory获胜时的领先幅度

According to officials, the margin of victory was 54-26.据官员们说, 获胜时的领先幅度为54比26。

lose, fail +以很小的差距

Failing to achieve your goals, even only by a small margin, is not good for self-esteem.没有实现自己的目标, 哪怕是只差一步, 也会伤害自尊心。

to win by a small margin以微小的优势获胜

They won by a small margin of five seats.他们仅以领先5个席位的优势获胜。

to vote by a narrow margin to do sth以微弱的优势投票通过做某事

Uruguayans voted by a narrow margin in a national plebiscite to uphold an amnesty.乌拉圭人在公民投票中以微弱的优势通过了特赦决议。


Margins were steady at a healthy 16%.利润可观, 稳定地保持在16%。

Our sales were good, but our margins were down.我们的销量不错, 但利润却有所下降。


The company gave warning that operating margins would be below market expectations.公司警告说营业毛利可能低于市场预期。

10.<尤澳>(extra payment)(尤指为特殊技能或职责支付的)额外酬劳, 奖金
12.【金融】(excess value)差价(债券的面值与保证债券面值的市场抵押价值之间的差额)
margin² /ˈmɑːdʒɪn/ vt.

exceptionally spiky dark green leaves, margined with cream格外尖长的深绿色叶子, 边缘呈淡黄色


Nicole Gilbert verified that the statement amount was accurate, but did not state the bonds were margined.妮科尔•吉尔伯特证实报表的金额准确无误, 但并没有说债券交付过保证金了。





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