

单词 man
释义 man¹ /mæn/ n.( 复men)
1.(adult male)男人;男子

the thousands of men, women and children who are facing starvation成千上万正面临饥饿的男人、女人和孩子们

He had not expected the young man to reappear before evening.他没想到那个年轻男子会在天黑之前再次出现。

a handsome man一名英俊男子

See alsobetting man gambling man
3.(human beings)(统称)人类

the brutality of man towards nature人类对大自然的暴行

4.(homo sapiens)智人
5.(extinct homo sapiens)智人中已灭绝的类型之一(如克罗马农人)
6.(extinct member of Homo genus)人属中已灭绝的人种之一(如海德堡人)
7.(courageous man)男子汉;大丈夫

Be a man! Stand up for what you believe.做个男子汉!坚持你的信仰。

8.(manly qualities)男子汉气概;大丈夫气概

The man in him was outraged.他的大丈夫气概被激发了出来。


150 officers and men had to be taken straight to hospital.150名官兵只得被直接送到医院。

a drill sergeant who would work with the men at least one hour every morning一名每天早晨至少操练士兵一小时的教官

11.(member of group, team)队员

They had to play the last 20 minutes with ten men.他们只能靠10名队员打完比赛的最后20分钟。

After the talks, the leader of the Workers' Council said his men would be going back down the mines.经过谈判, 工人委员会的领袖表示工人们将会回到矿井下工作。

The men voted to accept the pay offer.工人们经投票决定接受薪酬报价。

(partner)男朋友;(男性)伴侣, 情人

man and wife夫妻

if they see your man cuddle you in the kitchen or living room如果他们看到你和情人在厨房或起居室里搂搂抱抱

13.(in informal relationship)兄弟;老兄;老弟

Chad, are you freaking out on me again, man?查德, 你又要对我大发雷霆了, 是不是, 老兄?

Hey, man, where d'you get those boots?嘿, 老兄, 你从哪里弄来的这双靴子?

'Hey, man, congratulations!' says Rob Schneider.“嘿, 兄弟, 恭喜你啊!”罗布•施奈德说道。

14.【棋】(game piece)(跳棋、国际象棋等的)棋子

Both players begin with the same number of men.开始时双方握有相同数目的棋子。

15.<南非,俚>(to anyone)(称呼语)喂, 你
17.the man
=Man¹, 2
18.he's your man
(he's the one you need)他就是所需的人;他正是合适的人

If you're looking for a good builder, he's your man.如果你想找一个好建筑工人, 他正是合适人选。

19.known to man
(known by mankind)为人类所知的

the most dangerous substance known to man人类所知的最危险的物质

20.to a man

Economists, almost to a man, were sceptical.几乎所有的经济学家都持怀疑态度。

To a man, the surveyors blamed the government.调查者们一致谴责政府。

(without exception)无一例外地

They were slaughtered to a man.他们无一例外地被屠杀。

They died, to a man, when they tried to break out.所有试图逃脱的人无一例外地死掉了。

21.man and boy
(from childhood)从小到大;从少年时代起

He had served the company man and boy for thirty five years.他从年少时就为这家公司服务, 已经35年了。

22.man enough to do sth/for sth
(brave enough)有足够勇气(或能力)做某事

I told him that he should be man enough to admit he had done wrong.我告诉他要有足够的勇气承认自己做得不对。

I'm man enough to admit my mistake.我有足够的勇气去承认自己的错误。

23.a man's man
(masculine man)男人中的男人;受男人欢迎的男人

He's a real man's man.他真是个男人中的男人。

24.man to man
(between men)男人之间的(或地);面对面的(或地);开诚布公的(或地)

He called me to his office for a man-to-man talk.他把我叫到了办公室, 要和我开诚布公地谈一谈。

Me and Ben should sort this out man to man.我应该面对面和本解决这件事。

25.my man<美,非正式>(称呼语)兄弟, 老兄, 老弟

Get the guy in the purple shirt.—All right, my man.抓住那个穿紫色衬衫的男人。——好的, 老兄。

26.my manormy dear manormy good man<英,过时>(friendly, superior)朋友;我的朋友;老弟

My dear man, you are welcome to stay.亲爱的朋友, 欢迎留下来。

It's not for you to say so, my man!这话还轮不到你来说, 老弟!

27.your own man

He became his own man, following his own personal course.他开始自己做主, 走自己的路。

Be your own man. Make up your own mind.你要做自己的主人, 自己为自己作决定。

He'll be his own man and won't be dictated to.他会变得独立自主, 不再听别人发号施令。

28.to sort out the men from the boysorto separate the men from the boys
(show who is experienced)从一群人中找出能干的人

This should sort out the men from the boys!这样应该就看出谁能干谁不能干了!

man² /mæn/ interj.
啊, 哎呀(表示惊讶、喜悦等)

Man, it's hot in here!啊, 这儿可真热啊!





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