

单词 maintain
释义 maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ vt.
1.(keep in existence)+ contact, friendship保持;+ order, control维持;继续

I wanted to maintain my friendship with her.我想跟她保持朋友关系。

Push yourself to make friends and to maintain the friendships.努力去结交朋友并维护友谊。

The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry.这个部门与化工行业在多方面保持着密切的联系。

I've tried to maintain contact with the children.我尝试与那些孩子保持联系。

the assertiveness necessary to maintain control over teenagers继续管控青少年所需的坚定

to maintain law and order维护治安

They tried to maintain law and order.他们力图维护治安。

2.(keep in good condition)+ house, equipment, road维修;保养

The house costs a fortune to maintain.维修这幢房子的花销不菲。

the ever-rising cost of maintaining the equipment不断增加的设备维护费用

The campaign is intended to pressure authorities into maintaining roads properly.该运动的目的在于给当局施压, 使其妥善养护道路。

3.(keep up)+ speed, momentum保持;+ standards维持

Busby maintained a cracking pace.巴斯比保持了极快的速度。

The government was right to maintain interest rates at a high level.政府保持较高的利率是正确的。

the necessity to maintain safety standards维持安全标准的必要性


He maintained his innocence throughout the trial.在审判中他自始至终坚称自己无罪。

5.to maintain that …orto maintain …

He maintained that Talbot was wrong.他坚持认为塔尔博特错了。

He has maintained that the money was donated for international purposes.他坚称这笔捐款用在了国际上。

Prosecutors maintain no deal was made.检察官坚称没有达成任何协议。


The money maintained us for a month.靠这笔钱我们过了一个月。

the basic costs of maintaining a child抚养一个孩子的基本费用

He should pay and maintain you as well.他也应该付钱, 负担你的生活。

to maintain yourself养活自己;过活

I need the money to maintain myself until I find another job.在找到另一份工作之前, 我需要靠这笔钱度日。

7.(defend against attack)保卫;守住

He maintained the castle against Edward.他抗击爱德华, 守住了城堡。

to maintain yourself保全自己

He maintained himself against every attempt to assassinate him.他成功躲过了一次又一次针对他的暗杀企图。





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