

单词 mad
释义 mad¹ /mæd/ adj.(madder,maddest)
1.<英>(insane)+ person疯的;患精神病的

The doctors considered her utterly mad.医生们认为她彻底疯了。

(become insane)发疯;精神失常

She was afraid of going mad.她害怕自己会疯掉。

She was married to a man who'd gone mad.她被许配给了一个已经精神失常的人。

(cause someone to become insane)将某人逼疯;使某人神经错乱

It was the steroids that drove him mad in the end.就是类固醇最终使他精神失常的。

2.(foolish)+ idea愚蠢的;傻的

They think I am mad to live so near the airport.他们认为我住得离机场这么近是很愚蠢的。

You'd be mad to work with him again.你要是再跟他共事, 那可就太傻了。

Isn't that a rather mad idea?那不是一个十分愚蠢的想法吗?

3.<美,非正式>(angry)+ person生气的;愤怒的;气愤的

She'll be mad when she finds out.她发现后肯定会很生气的。

(angry with someone)生某人的气

You're just mad at me because I don't want to go.你生我的气就是因为我不想去。

They're mad at me for getting them up so early.他们生我的气, 怪我很早就叫他们起床。

(become very angry)非常生气

She goes mad when you talk like that.你那样说话, 她就很生气。

(cause someone to become angry)使某人生气;惹恼某人

This itching is driving me mad!瘙痒使我很气恼!

She drives me mad.她把我气疯了。

(be angry about)对…感到气愤

I'm pretty mad about it, I can tell you.我可以告诉你, 我对此很生气。

4.(enthusiastic, fond)狂热的;着迷的;热爱的
to be mad about sb<非正式>(love)迷恋某人

He's mad about you.他很迷恋你。

He told her he was mad about her.他跟她说了自己很爱慕她。

(be very keen on)对…狂热;对…入迷

She's not as mad about sport as I am.她不像我对运动这么痴迷。

He's mad about football.他痴迷足球。

5.+ rush, panic极其激动的;疯狂的

There was a mad rush for the bar.人们疯狂地冲向酒吧。

You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock.你只有一小时来做完游戏, 所以这是一场与时间的疯狂较量。

7.(ferocious)+ animal异常凶猛的
8.(having rabies)+ dog, animal患狂犬病的
9.like mad<非正式>(energetically; one person or more than one person)玩命地;疯狂地;狂热地

He was weight training like mad.他在玩命做负重训练。

We trained like mad.我们疯狂地训练。

10.to be mad keen on sth<非正式>(very keen on)对某事物着迷;对某事物狂热

He was mad keen on the idea.他对这一想法十分着迷。

11.as mad as a hatter
+ person非常疯狂的

Billy was as mad as a hatter.比利是个非常疯狂的人。

mad² /mæd/(mads,madding,madded)
🄰 vt.
<古>(make mad)使发疯
🄱 vi.
<古>(become mad)变疯




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