

单词 love
释义 love¹ /lʌv/ n.
1.(affection; for person)爱;关爱;疼爱

She's got a great capacity for love.她富有爱心。

sb's love for sb某人对某人的爱

My love for all my children is unconditional.我对自己所有孩子的爱都是无条件的。

his love for his wife and children他对妻子和孩子的爱

2.(for thing)+of music, literature, animals, football热爱;喜爱;爱好
sb's love of sth某人对…的喜爱

The French are known for their love of their language.法国人热爱自己的语言是出了名的。

a man with a genuine love of literature一位真心爱好文学的男士

to fall in love with sth爱上…

Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema.经过与福特的密切合作, 我爱上了电影。

I instantly fell in love with the house.我一眼就看上了这所房子。

3.(romantic, sexual)爱情;恋爱;性爱

It certainly wasn't love that he felt.他感受到的当然不是爱情。

your love for sb对某人的爱恋

Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together.一起经历的一切加深了我们对彼此的爱。

person, couple +相爱

We were madly in love for about two years.在大约两年的时间里, 我们处于疯狂的爱恋中。

be in love with sb与某人相爱

She's in love with Paul.她和保罗坠入情网。

two people +彼此相爱;爱上彼此

We fell madly in love.我们疯狂地相爱。

one person +爱上某人

I fell in love with him because of his kind nature.他的善良让我爱上了他。

4.sb's love
(beloved thing or person)某人的至爱(或喜好)

the story of his life — his loves, friendships, delights and enthusiasms他人生的故事——他的至爱、友谊、快乐和热情

Music's one of my great loves.音乐是我的一大喜好。

5.<英,口>(addressing stranger)亲爱的(用于称呼不熟的人)

Hold that door open for a minute, love.请撑着门一会儿, 亲爱的。

6.<英,口>(addressing loved one)亲爱的(用于称呼心爱的人)

Are you OK, love?没事吧, 亲爱的?

Well, I'll take your word for it then, love.好吧, 亲爱的, 那我就相信你的话。

my love我亲爱的

Don't cry, my love.亲爱的, 别哭。


He beat Thomas Muster of Austria three sets to love.他以三比零的成绩打败了来自奥地利的托马斯•马斯特。

8.【宗】(towards man)(基督教)(上帝对人的)爱
9.【宗】(towards God)(基督教)(人对上帝的)爱

We are united by our love of God.我们因对上帝的爱而团结在一起。

10.for love
(without payment)无偿的;义务的

I'm not doing this for love, you know.你知道的, 我可不是免费这么做的。

11.for the love of sb
(for the sake of)为了某人的缘故

the noble loser backing down for the love of a good woman因为一个好女人而退让的高尚的失败者

12.to give your love to sborto give sb your loveorto send your love to sborto send sb your love
(in greetings)向某人致意(或问候)

They send you their love.他们向你问好。

Give Delphine my love.请替我向德尔菲娜问好。

13.loveorall my loveorlots of love
(in letter)爱你(们)的(给亲友写信时末尾署名前的用语)

Write back soon. All my love, Maria.请快点回信。爱你们的玛丽亚。

with love from sb爱你的某人

with love from Grandma and Grandpa爱你的爷爷奶奶

14.love at first sight一见钟情

It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks later.我们一见钟情, 他六周后就向我求婚了。

15.the love of your life一生中最爱的人;一生的挚爱

I knew I had met the love of my life.我知道我遇见了一生的挚爱。

16.make love<婉>做爱
17.not for love nor money绝对不会;无论如何都不

I wouldn't eat a snail for love nor money.打死我都不会吃蜗牛的。

Replacement parts couldn't be found for love nor money.无论如何也找不到替换零件了。

I'm never going back there. Not for love nor money.我永远都不会再回去了。绝对不会。

18.there's no love lost between sb and sborthere's little love lost between sb and sb某人和某人之间没有好感;某人和某人互相厌恶

There was no love lost between the two men who were supposed to be working in harmony on a mounting crisis.在一场日益严峻的危机面前, 本应和睦协作的这两个男人却势同水火。

love² /lʌv/ adj.

love poetry情诗

love³ /lʌv/ vt.
1.+ child, parents, friend爱;热爱;喜爱

You'll never love anyone the way you love your baby.你永远都不会像爱自己的孩子那样去爱别人。

Toby was a very special boy who was loved by many.托比是个很独特的孩子, 广受大家喜爱。

I love my country as you love yours.我热爱我的祖国, 就像你爱你的祖国那样。

Everybody loves her.大家都很爱她。

to feel loved感受到爱

They make us feel loved.他们让我们感受到爱。

to love sb dearly深爱某人

I love all my children dearly.我深爱着我所有的孩子。

2.+ lover, spouse, partner爱;爱慕

She loved him with all of her being.她全身心地爱慕着他。

I married a man I didn't love.我嫁给了一个我不爱的男人。

I love you.我爱你。

to love each other相亲相爱
3.+ thing, activity喜欢;爱好

We loved the food so much.我们非常喜欢这种食物。

I loved reading.我喜欢读书。

He loves football.他爱好足球。

We love Paris.我们喜欢巴黎。

I love skiing.我爱好滑雪。

to love doing sthorto love to do sth喜爱做某事

one of those people that loves to be outdoors喜欢户外活动的那些人中的一员

I love taking photographs.我喜欢照相。

I'd love sth我想要…

I'd love another child.我想再要个孩子。

I would love a hot bath and clean clothes.我想要洗个热水澡, 换上干净的衣服。

I'd love to do sth我想做某事;我愿意做某事

I would love to play for England again.我想再次为英国队效力。

I'd love to come.我愿意来。

sb would love sb to do sth某人想让某人做某事

His wife would love him to give up his job.他的妻子想让他放弃工作。

I'd love you to come.我希望你能来。

I'd love to我愿意

Would you like to come for lunch on Saturday?—Thanks, I'd love to.周六愿意来吃午餐吗?——非常感谢, 我很乐意。

sb loves it when sth happens某人高兴于某事的发生

I love it when I hear you laugh.听见你笑, 我就非常高兴。

The kids love it when I tell them a story.孩子们非常喜欢我给他们讲故事。


He loved her all night long.他一整晚都在跟她做爱。





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