

单词 lines
释义 lines /laɪnz/ npl.
1.(outline)+of car, body, building形状;外形;外貌;轮廓
a car with sleek lines一辆造型优美的汽车

an evening dress that follows the lines of the body一件展现身体曲线的晚礼服

2.【戏剧】(text of a play)台词
3.【戏剧】(words of particular role)(某个角色的)台词

He forgot his lines.他忘记了自己的台词。

4.<尤英,非正式>(marriage certificate)结婚证书
5.【军】(rows of tents, buildings)(成行的、成排的或成列的)线

transport lines运输线

6.【军】(defensive position)防线

We broke through the enemy lines.我们突破了敌人的防线。


He was given lines.他被罚抄写句子。

8.【教育】(sentences written)罚抄写的句子(或短语)

Do a hundred lines.罚抄写100遍。

9.along the lines of sthoralong … lines
(giving an approximation)大致是;类似

He'd said something along those lines already.他以前就说过类似的话。

(indicating a method or style)根据…组织

Meetings were run along fairly formal lines.会议开得相当正式。

10.hard lines倒霉;不幸

It's hard lines on us.这对我们来说非常不幸。

11.on … lines按照…组织的

The church was built on traditional lines.这个教会是按照传统方式组织建设的。

12.on the right lines<英>对路的;大体正确的
13.to read between the lines体会言外之意;领悟暗含之意




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