

单词 light
释义 light¹ /laɪt/ n.
1.+of illumination光;光线;光亮

Suddenly there was a flash of white light in the sky.突然, 天空中闪过一道白光。

artificial light人造光

The corridors are lit by artificial light.走廊是用人造光照明的。


Cracks of light filtered through the shutters.缕缕阳光从百叶窗中透进来。

to stand in a person's light挡住某人的视线;挡住某人的光线

There's a light by my bed.我的床边有一盏灯。

Do you need a light?你需要灯吗?

to turn on the lightorto turn the light on开灯
to turn off the lightorto turn the light off关灯

The janitor comes round to turn the lights off.看门人走过来, 把灯关了。

street lights街灯;路灯

Light and water in embassy buildings were cut off.大使馆楼里的照明和供水都被切断了。

first light拂晓

Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp.拂晓前三小时, 富恩特斯命令撤离宿营地。

to present sth in a favourable light从有利的角度呈现某事物
in a better light从更好的角度

He has worked hard in recent months to portray the city in a better light.近几个月来他努力从更好的角度描绘这座城市。

7.(quality of light)照明;光照
a good light for reading为阅读提供的良好照明

It was difficult to see in the dim light.在这样昏暗的光线下很难看见。

8.(for cigarette)点火;点火物;打火机;火柴
to give sb a light给某人个火

Can you give me a light?你能给我个火吗?

to set light to sth<英>引燃某物;点燃某物

They poured fuel through the door and set light to it.他们从门口倒入燃料并点着。

the light in sb's eyes某人眼中的光

I remembered the curious expectant light in his eyes.我记得他眼中闪动着的好奇、期盼的光。

10.<术语>(380 to 780 nanometre wavelength)可见光
11.<术语>(outside range of 380 to 780 nanometre wavelength)不可见光
ultraviolet light紫外线
12.<术语>(sensation of light)光感
(in a mullioned window)(直棂窗的)窗扇

important art from some of the great lights of modernism, notably Matisse and Miró一些伟大的现代派杰出人物, 尤其是马蒂斯和米罗的重要艺术作品

See alsoleading light
15.【艺术】(effect of illumination)(物体或场景的)亮度
16.【艺术】(area of brightness)(绘画中的)亮部
17.<英>(answer to crossword clue)(纵横字谜的)谜底格 
to be brought to light
fact, information +为某人所知;被披露出来

The truth is unlikely to be brought to light by the enquiry.真相是不太可能通过这样的询问披露的。

to come to light
fact, information +显露;暴露;人尽皆知

Nothing about this sum has come to light.关于这笔钱, 没有透露出来任何一点消息。

It has come to light that he was lying.他是在说谎, 这已经人尽皆知。

a green light准许;批准;许可

Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether.其他国家正在急切等待着美国的准许以彻底解除制裁。

to give sb a green light给某人开绿灯;许可某人做某事

The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals.食品工业得到了扩大这些化学品使用范围的许可。

in light of sthorin the light of sth由于…;鉴于…;根据…

In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.根据该信息, 现在就能够确定很多关键问题。

light at the end of the tunnel黑暗后的光明;苦尽甘来

All I can do is tell her to hold on, that there's light at the end of the tunnel.我能做的就是告诉她坚持到底, 告诉她终会苦尽甘来。

light dawns使人开始明白;使人渐渐领悟;使人开始理解

At last the light dawned. He was going to marry Phyllis!终于明白了。他是要和菲莉斯结婚!

Light dawned on me.我恍然大悟。

out like a light<非正式>很快入睡;立即失去知觉

Why didn't somebody come and tell me?—Because you were out like a light.为什么没有人来告诉我?——因为你很快就睡着了。

to see the light

I saw the light and ditched him.我明白过来并甩掉了他。

(have religious conversion)改变信仰;改宗;皈依
to see the light of dayorto see the light
(from storage)重见天日;被重新拿出来

Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.博物馆地下室里堆的都是些从未展出过的东西。

(become known)问世;公开发表

This extraordinary document first saw the light of day in 1966.这份特别的文件于1966年首次公之于众。

(come into existence)出世;诞生;问世

The recording never saw the light of day.这份录音从未问世。

I first saw the light of day back in Ohio.我是在俄亥俄州出生的。

to shed light on sthorto throw light on sthorto cast light on sth使某事显得非常清楚;阐明某事;使人了解某事

A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.新方法提供了一个答案, 而且有可能让人们进一步了解更重大的问题。

an anthropologist wishing to throw light on the origins of humanity一位希望阐明人类起源的人类学家

information that might cast light on her death可能会解释她死因的一些信息

to strike a light(尤指用火柴)擦出火来, 点火
strike a light!<英,过时>哎唷!(表示惊讶的呼喊)
light² /laɪt/ adj.
1.(not dark)+ colour浅色的;淡色的
a light blue sweater一件浅蓝色毛衣
a light green shirt一件浅绿色衬衫

We know he has a light green van.我们知道他有一辆浅绿色的厢式货车。

a light blue box一个浅蓝色的盒子

The walls are light in colour and covered in paper.墙是浅色的, 并贴了壁纸。

2.(full of light)+ room光线充足的;明亮的

The bedroom was big and light.卧室很大而且光线充足。

It is a light room with tall windows.这是一个有高窗的明亮房间。

Her house is light and airy, crisp and clean.她的房间明亮通风而又清新整洁。

3.(not night)白天的;白昼的;天亮的;天明的
light summer evenings明媚的夏日傍晚
it is light是白天;天亮着

It was still light when we arrived.我们到达的时候, 天还亮着。

He would often rise as soon as it was light and go into the garden.他经常天一亮就起床, 然后到花园里去。

4.(not heavy)+ clothes, equipment, objects轻的

Try to wear light, loose clothes.尽量穿轻便宽松的衣服。

Modern tennis rackets are now apparently 20 per cent lighter.新式网球拍明显轻了20%。

weight training with light weights轻量举重训练

5.【物】+ metal轻的(密度较低的)

We need a light metal, like aluminium.我们需要一种轻金属, 比如铝。

6.(below official weight)少量的;低于标准重量的;分量不足的
7.(not intense)稀少的;低强度的;量小的;+ rain小的;+ traffic稀少的;不拥挤的

A light rain was falling.正在下小雨。

Trading was very light ahead of yesterday's auction.在昨天拍卖之前生意很清淡。

He was on the training field for some light work yesterday.他昨天在训练场上做了一些轻度训练。

The children help with light housework.孩子们帮助做少量的家务活。

The traffic is usually lighter on Sundays.通常, 周日的行人车辆会少一些。


There was a light knock at the door.有轻轻的叩门声。

Use a light touch when applying cream or make-up.擦乳霜或化妆品时, 要动作轻柔。

Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship.要用友好、温柔的方式和他谈感情的事情。

The voice was sweet and light.那嗓音甜美轻柔。

9.(easily digested)易于消化的
a light meal易消化的膳食

a light, healthy lunch一顿易消化的健康午餐

wine and cheese or other light refreshment葡萄酒配奶酪或其他易消化的茶点

Berti's clear tomato soup is deliciously light.伯特番茄清汤既美味又易消化。

11.(low in alcohol)(酒)低度的
light table wines低度的佐餐葡萄酒
12.(not severe)+ sentence轻的;易承受的;容易承担的

judges who pass light sentences on first offenders对初犯者从轻判决的法官们

She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence when her father visited her at the jail.当她父亲到监狱探望她时, 她承认对自己得到从轻判决感到很意外。

13.(not serious)+ music, novel轻松的;娱乐性的;消遣性的

He doesn't like me reading light novels.他不喜欢我读消遣性的小说。

light classical music轻古典音乐

a light entertainment programme一档轻松的娱乐节目

on a lighter note说点轻松的话题(用于将谈话转入不太严肃的话题上)

Let's finish on a lighter note.让我们以轻松的话题作为结束。

to be no light matter<正式>绝非小事

It can be no light matter for the Home Office that so many young prisoners should have wanted to kill or injure themselves.如此众多的年轻囚犯想要自杀或自残, 这对于英国内政部来说绝非小事。

14.a light sleep容易惊醒的睡眠;不沉的睡眠;浅睡

She had drifted into a light sleep.她不知不觉地进入了浅度睡眠。

a light sleeper睡觉很轻的人

She was usually a light sleeper.她睡觉通常都很轻。

with a light heart心情愉快地;轻松地

Then I went home with a strangely light heart.然后我异常轻松地回了家。

I left their house sober, but with a light heart.我离开了他们家, 头脑冷静但心情轻松。

He returned home with a light heart and quick step.他心情愉快地快步回了家。

16.(graceful, agile)优雅的;轻盈的;轻捷的;轻快的
light on your feet步履轻盈
a light head头晕目眩

It was with sore feet but a light head that I woke.我醒来时脚又疼、头又晕。

I had a very light head, and after a single drink would retreat into taciturnity.我的头很晕, 一杯酒下肚就要说不出话来了。

18.【农】(crumbly)(土壤)轻质的, 松散的
19.(for light loads)+ vessel, vehicle轻型的;轻载的
20.(not loaded)+ vessel, vehicle空载的
21.(carrying light arms)(武器、装备)轻型的, 轻装的

a convoy of light armoured vehicles一队轻型装甲车

They used light machine guns and AK forty-sevens.他们用了轻机枪和AK–47突击步枪。

light engineering轻工业工程
23.【航空】+ aircraft轻载的;轻型的
26.【牌】+ bid低的;小的
27.【牌】+ player没能赢得足够的墩数以达到定约的
28.【言语】(unaccented)(音节、元音等)不发重音的, 弱读的;短的
29.【言语】(having the lowest level of stress)不重读的(在英语等语言中, 重音的三个等级中最低的一级)
30.【言语】+ letter l以前元音共振发音的;发音清晰的
to make light of sth轻视某事;对某事不在乎;视某事为微不足道

Roberts attempted to make light of his discomfort.罗伯茨试图不把他的苦恼当回事。

light³ /laɪt/ adv.
to travel light
(on journey)轻装旅行

I prefer to travel light.我喜欢轻装旅行。

(in life)过简单的生活

She believes in travelling light, having no encumbrances, and being free to move anywhere at any moment.她赞成过简单的生活, 没有负担, 随时往哪儿搬都行。

light⁴ /laɪt/(lights,lighting,lighted lit)
🄰 vt.
1.+ candle, cigarette, fire点;点燃

She lit the fire as soon as I arrived.我一到她就生了火。

Stephen bent down to light a cigarette.史蒂芬弯腰点烟。

a lighted candle点燃的蜡烛

2.+ room使发亮;照亮

The room was lit by only the one light.唯一的一盏灯照亮了房间。

It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly.天黑了, 大大的月亮把路照得很亮, 你能够清楚地看到周围的景色。

The low sun lit the fortress walls with yellow light.低低的太阳用金黄色的阳光照亮了堡垒的墙壁。

to light the way用灯照路

Along a ground floor corridor a change of bulb strength would undoubtedly help to light the way.改变底层走廊灯泡的亮度, 无疑会有助于照路。

A half-moon lit the way.半个月亮将路照亮。

🄱 vi.

If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper.要是木炭真的点不着, 就喷些专门的液体喷剂, 然后用长的点火捻把它点燃。

Phrasal Verbslight into,light on,light out,light up




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