

单词 liberal
释义 liberal¹ /ˈlɪbərəl; ˈlɪbrəl/ adj.
1.【政】(favouring progress)进步的;开明的
2.【政】(favouring freedom)+ régime, society自由的

a liberal democracy with a multiparty political system多党制的自由民主

They favour liberal free-market policies.他们赞成开放的自由市场政策。

Their policy towards the country is to encourage a more liberal political regime there.他们对待该国的政策是鼓励建立一个更加自由的政治体制。

to be liberal with sth大方对待某事物

As always he is liberal with his jokes.和往常一样, 他出口就是笑话。

to make liberal use of sth随意使用某事物

She made liberal use of her sister's make-up.她随意使用姐姐的化妆品。

4.(tolerant)+ person, attitude, view宽容的;大度的;开明的

I hope I'm as liberal as your father was.我希望自己像你父亲一样宽宏大量。

She has liberal views on divorce.她对离婚持开明的态度。

a liberal helping of cream一大份奶油
liberal amounts of sth大量的某事物
a liberal translation意译

This seems to me a very liberal interpretation of the clause.在我看来, 这是对该条款的一种很自由的解读。

7.【教育】+ education通才教育的

the values of a liberal education通才教育的价值





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