

单词 level
释义 level¹ /ˈlevəl/ n.
1.(degree)+of inflation, investment, difficulty程度;水平;等级

We have the lowest level of inflation for some years.几年来我们的通货膨胀一直处在最低水平。

The exercises are marked according to their level of difficulty.这些练习题按难易程度标注。

The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal.密西西比河水平面已经低于正常值6.5英尺了。

The gauge shows the fuel level.这个仪表可以显示燃料的液位。

It was the lowest level of support for the euro in any country.当时是各国对欧元支持率最低的时期。

level of violence暴力程度;暴力等级

The level of violence in black townships was increasing again.黑人居住区的暴力等级再次上升。

cholesterol level胆固醇水平

risk factors such as high cholesterol levels or smoking高胆固醇或吸烟等危险因素

2.(standard)+of training, education, service级别;水准;水平

Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.迈克尔的室友一直是表面上友善。

The general level of training was not high.培训的整体水平不高。

3.(height)+of river, lake, liquid水平线;水平面;水平高度

The level of the lake continues to rise.该湖的水平面在持续上升。

He held the gun at waist level.他把枪端在腰间。

on a level在同一水平面上;处于同等高度

The top of the door is on a level with the top of the windows.门与窗的顶端齐平。

at eye level与眼睛处于同一水平线;齐眼高度

Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level.利兹往下沉, 直到水接近下巴, 泡沫刚没过眼睛。

The books were placed at eye level on the shelves.那些书放在架上与眼睛等高的位置。

4.(flat place)平面;地面
5.(spirit level)水平仪
6.【测绘】(surveying instrument)水准仪;水准器
to find your level找到自己的位置;给自己定位

I don't think she's really found her level yet with the local people.我认为她在与当地人的交往过程中还没有真正找准自己的位置。

on the level<非正式>真诚的;诚实的;真正的

There were probably moments when you wondered if anyone spoke the truth or was on the level.有时你可能想知道是否有人说实话或做到了开诚布公。

to take sth to another levelorto take sth to the next level对…创新;标新立异地做…

Our mission is to take poker to another level.我们的任务是研究出纸牌的新玩法。

Now one firm is taking recruitment to the next level with video CVs.现在有一家公司在招聘时标新立异地使用了视频简历。

level² /ˈlevəl/ adj.
1.(flat)+ ground, surface平的;水平的;平坦的
a plateau of fairly level ground地势相当平坦的高原
2.(same height all round)(表面)等高的, 齐平的

The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head.地板是平的, 但天花板朝他的头这边倾斜。

A snooker table must be perfectly level.斯诺克球台必须保证绝对水平。

3.(at the same height)(与参照物)等高的, 高度相同的

He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy's.他从柜台上方俯下身去, 一张脸几乎与小男孩一样高。

I climbed up so that my head was level with his.我爬了上去, 这样我的头就可以和他的头一样高了。

She knelt down so that their eyes were level.她屈膝跪下以便他们可以平视。

4.(in points, goals)平局的;分数相同的

The teams were level at the end of extra time.加时赛结束时两队的比分相同。

+ player, team与…比分相同;与…打成平局

He is level with Garry Sobers on runs at present.目前他和加里•索伯斯的跑动得分相同。


a level cup/teaspoon/tablespoon/etc一平杯/茶匙/汤匙/等

Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast.加入一平茶匙酵母后搅拌。


He forced his voice to remain level.他努力使自己的语气保持平静。

She talks in a calm, level tone.她说话时声音冷静而平稳。

7.(of temperament)平和的;沉着的
to come up level (with sb/sth)orto draw level (with sb/sth)(与…)达到同一点;追平(…)

He rolled aside and the car drew level with him.他朝旁边一滚, 车刚好来到他身边。

Benedict came up level where the others stood by the water's edge.贝内迪克特与其他人一同站到了水边。

Villa drew level after 38 minutes when Young earned his side another penalty.38分钟后扬又为本队赢得一次点球, 维拉队将比分追平。

to do your level best竭尽全力;全力以赴

The President told American troops that he would do his level best to bring them home soon.总统跟美军士兵说他会尽其所能让他们早日回家。

level³ /ˈlevəl/(levels,levelling,levelled)<尤英>(levels,leveling,leveled)<美>
🄰 vt.
1.(make level)+ surface, ground使平整;使水平;使平坦

The first stage of construction is to level the ground and lay the foundation.建筑的第一步是进行地面平整和打地基。

2.(make even)使齐平;使相等
to level the score扳平比分

The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates.在国家联盟季后赛中, 辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。

Iglesias scored twice to level the score.伊格莱西亚斯两次进球, 将比分扳平。

3.(destroy)+ building, forest推倒;夷平

The storm levelled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.风暴将甘蔗园夷为平地, 并且摧毁了家园。

Further tremors could level more buildings.余震可能会震倒更多的建筑。

Tractors levelled more than 1,000 acres of forest.拖拉机铲平了1,000多英亩的森林。

4.(knock down)+ person打倒;击倒

The next shot, however, levelled him to the ground.但是, 接下来的一枪将他击倒在地。

5.(direct)+ accusation, criticism将…引向;把…指向;使对准

Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family.他和他的家人受到了贪污指控。

to level criticism at sb把批评的矛头指向某人

He levelled bitter criticism against the U.S.他对美国进行了猛烈的抨击。

He had been hurt by the criticism levelled at him by Barnes.巴恩斯对他的批评刺痛了他的心。

7.(aim)+ gun, weapon把…对准;用…瞄准

Black, rising to his feet again, was coolly levelling the gun at him.布莱克再次站起身来, 沉着地将枪口瞄准他。

8.【测绘】(determine elevation of)对(土地)作高程测量
🄱 vi.
1.(in competition)成平局;追平;比分相同

Jimmy White levelled in the fourth frame.吉米•怀特在第四局将比分扳平。

2.<非正式>(be frank)为人坦诚;性格直率
(be honest)对某人开诚布公;对某人坦诚相待

I'll level with you. I'm no great detective. I've no training or anything.实话告诉你, 我不是什么大侦探, 也没有受过什么训练。

He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair.他向美国人民坦白了自己在这起事件中所扮演的角色。

Phrasal Verbslevel down,level off,level out,level up




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