

单词 leg
释义 leg¹ /leɡ/ n.
1.+of person, animal

She's broken her leg.她一条腿骨折了。

He was tapping his walking stick against his leg.他在用拐杖敲自己的腿。

2.+of insect足;脚

She says the centipede has 41 pairs of legs on its tiny frame.她说蜈蚣细小的躯干上长着41对足。

3.+of furniture腿;支撑腿

His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.他的脚踝都被绑到椅子腿上了。

The teak table has fluted legs.这张柚木桌子的桌腿有凹槽纹饰。

4.+of trousers, tights裤腿;裤管;腿部

He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs.他在湿漉漉的草地上前行, 裤腿都湿透了。

5.【烹】+of chicken, turkey, duck供食用的腿部;腿肉

She was roasting a leg of lamb in the oven.她正在用烤箱烤羔羊腿。

6.(stage)+of journey一段行程

The first leg of the journey was by boat.行程的第一段是坐船。


Celtic won the first leg 2-0.凯尔特队以2比0打赢第一场。

The first round of the cup was decided over two legs.锦标赛的首轮以两场分胜负。

8.+of forked object分叉;分支;一支
9.【田径,泳】(lap)(接力赛的)一段, 一棒
11.【数】+of triangle(直角三角形的任一)边
14.【板】(area of field)腿侧区(右手击球员的左后方场地或左手击球员的右后方场地)
15.to be on your last legs<非正式>濒临死亡;奄奄一息;即将垮掉

The band were already on their last legs when they started work on their final album.乐队在开始制作最后一张唱片时已经快要散伙了。

The Warsaw Pact was on its last legs.华沙条约组织行将解体。

This relationship is on its last legs.这段恋情快要玩完了。

16.to have legs<非正式>(主意、计划、活动)有望继续下去, 有前途, 有望成功

The American economy still has legs.美国经济仍有发展前景。

17.not to have a leg to stand on<非正式>(说法或声明)站不住脚, 缺乏根据

It's only my word against his, I know. So I don't have a leg to stand on.现在是我和他各说各的, 这我知道。所以我的话无法证实。

Once she got up and told the truth about the affair, the other side wouldn't have a leg to stand on.一旦她站出来说出事件的真相, 对方就会站不住脚了。

18.to pull sb's leg<非正式>捉弄某人;开某人的玩笑;愚弄某人

You're pulling my leg!你耍我!

Of course I won't tell them; I was only pulling your leg.我当然不会告诉他们, 我只是捉弄你一下罢了。

19.to shake a leg<非正式>(hurry)(通常用于祈使句)赶快, 快些

Shake a leg!快点!

20.show a leg<非正式>早上起床
21.to stretch your legsSeestretch³
leg² /leɡ/ vt.(legs,legging,legged)
1.+ boat仰卧用腿蹬洞顶使…通过运河隧道
2.leg it<非正式>走;跑;急行
3.to leg it<非正式>(通常为了躲避某人)拔腿跑掉

We saw some kids shinning up a drainpipe before legging it clutching a TV and hi-fi.我们看见几个年轻人爬上排水管, 后来就见他们提着一台电视机和音响跑掉了。

He was now to be seen legging it across the field.现在可以看见他快步跑过田地。

leg³ /leɡ/ comp.
1.【解剖】(relating to legs)腿的;腿部的

a leg guard护腿

2.【板】+ side腿侧区的

a leg slip防守位置(紧贴击球手后外侧场地)

the leg stump三柱门的柱





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