

单词 lay out
释义 lay out vt. sep.
1.(arrange neatly)to lay sth out or to lay out sth(整齐地)铺开, 展开, 摊开

She took a deck of cards and began to lay them out.她拿了一副扑克, 开始摆牌。

Clothes and jewels were laid out on the ground.衣服和首饰都摊在地上。

2.(explain)to lay sth out or to lay out sth阐述;讲解;说明

Cuomo laid it out in simple language.科莫用简单的语言作了解释。

Yesterday the president laid out his economic agenda.昨天总统阐明了他的经济纲领。

3.(plan, design)to lay sth out or to lay out sth规划, 布置, 设计(场地、建筑等)

Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it out.只有常用厨房的人才懂得如何设计好厨房。

The city was laid out in a grid pattern.这座城市按网格状设计。

to lay sth outorto lay out sth花(钱);(尤指)挥霍

You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table.你不必为这张餐桌破费一大笔。

I laid out hundreds on decorating the new house.我花了一大笔钱装饰新房子。

5.(prepare)to lay sb out or to lay out sb
+ body为(死者)做殡葬准备

Friends laid out the body.朋友们为他入殓。

6.<非正式>(knock out)
to lay sb outorto lay out sb打昏;将…打得不省人事

Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.安迪转过身, 大步走向克里斯, 一拳把他打昏。

7.<英,非正式>(exert yourself)
to lay yourself out(通常指为取悦某人)努力, 使出浑身解数

He laid himself out to be charming.他努力表现得风度翩翩。





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