

单词 late hours
8.better late than never
(of action, event)迟到好过没到;晚做好过不做

It's been a long time coming but better late than never.早就该如此了。不过, 晚做好过不做。

9.to get off to a late start
campaign, event +启动得晚;开始得晚

His campaign got off to a late start.他的竞选活动启动较晚。

10.in(to) the late hours
(very late)直到深夜

Our conversation went on into the late hours.我们的谈话一直进行到深夜。

11.late hours
+of person晚睡晚起

She was in bed by nine, but still someone wrote to say they were appalled by Laura's late hours!她9点就睡了, 但仍有人写信称他们对劳拉睡觉之晚感到震惊!

my fondness for late hours我晚睡晚起的喜好

(at work)熬夜(工作)

I was working my usual late hours.当时我正和平时一样在熬夜工作。

a profession where long and late hours are expected一个不仅工作时间长而且总要熬夜的职业

12.of late<正式>(recently)新近;最近;近来

His life has changed of late.他的生活近来发生了变化。

The dollar has been stronger of late.美元近来走势强劲。

See late




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