

单词 lap
释义 lap¹ /læp/ n.
on your laporin your lap在你的大腿上

The child was asleep on her lap.孩子在她腿上睡着了。

She waited quietly with her hands in her lap.她双手放在大腿上静静地等着。

2.+of garment遮住大腿部的部分

His shirt and lap were dusted with pieces of broken glass.他的衬衫和大腿上沾满了碎玻璃。

3.【体】+of track(跑道的)一圈

I ran ten laps.我跑了十圈。

The race consists of six laps of the track.这次赛跑要绕跑道跑六圈。

On lap two, Baker edged forward.在第二圈时贝克渐渐领先了。

4.+of swimming pool(游泳池的)长, 一趟游程

I swam ten laps.我在泳池里游了五个来回。

There was one pool dedicated to adults who wanted to swim laps in peace.有一个泳池专供那些想不受打扰游完全程的成人使用。

5.(stage)(行程、赛程等的)一段, 环节

I had thought we might travel as far as Oak Valley, but we only managed the first lap of the journey.我以为我们能到奥克瓦利, 但是我们只走完了第一段行程。

that last lap of the race最后一段赛程

8.(hanging flap)重叠部分;搭接部分
the laps of his frock coat他礼服大衣的叠门处
9.(amount of overlap)重叠量;重叠度

A minimum 25 mm lap should be used for bevel siding.互搭斜角板须至少有25毫米的重叠量。

10.(required length)(将某物围起所需的)围裹材料长度
12.【珠宝】(holding device)研磨具;抛光器
14.【纺】(sheet of fibres)棉卷;毛卷;布卷
to be in the lap of the gods由神决定;结果难以预料;非人力所能左右

At that stage my life was in the lap of the gods.在那段时期我只能听天由命。

to drop into your lap落入某人怀中;毫不费力地被某人获取

Nothing is going to drop into your lap - you will have to work at life in order to achieve anything.没有天上掉馅饼的事——你必须付出努力才能有所收获。

to have sth dropped into your laporto have sth dropped onto your lap不得不做某事;摊上某事

You could do without having an extra client dropped onto your lap today, I'm sure.我肯定今天不会有额外的客户推给你接待了。

to live in the lap of luxury生活优裕;养尊处优

We don't live in the lap of luxury, but we're comfortable.我们并非过着养尊处优的日子, 但生活也算舒适。

lap² /læp/(laps,lapping,lapped)
🄰 vt.

The cat lapped milk from a dish.猫舔食盘子里的牛奶。


She lapped some of the weaker runners on the final stretch.她在跑到终点直道时比有些落后的选手领先了一圈。

He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.他在领先一位落后的骑手一圈时被发现出界。

3.【泳】+ swimmer比…领先一个全长(或数个全长)
4.(wash against)(细浪)拍打, 冲刷(岸边、船只等)

The building was right on the river and the water lapped the walls.那幢房屋临河而建, 流水冲刷着外墙。


He lapped a bandage around his wrist.他用绷带缠住手腕。

if it be lapped in a cloth如果用块布把它包起来


He lapped his wrist in a bandage.他将手腕用绷带缠起来。


We were lapped in luxury.我们曾经过着奢侈的生活。

9.【珠宝】(polish)(用研磨具)研磨, 抛光, 切割(工件、宝石等)
10.【纺】+ fibres使成片;使成卷
🄱 vi.
1.waves +溅起

With a rising tide the water was lapping at his chin before rescuers arrived.潮水不断上涨, 在救援人员赶到之前, 水没到了他的下巴。

3.(be folded)被折叠
Phrasal Verbslap against,lap over,lap up




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