

单词 knot
释义 knot¹ /nɒt/ n.
1.(in string, rope)(绳、线的)结

He began to struggle to work the knots free.他开始努力把结解开。

to tie a knot打结

Push through the hole in the beads, and tie a knot at both ends.从珠孔穿出, 并在两端打结。

to tie a knot in sth在…里打个结

She had tied a knot in the string.她在绳中打了个结。


It is not a good idea to pull knots out with a comb.用梳子把缠结的头发梳开并不是个好主意。

an impossibly tangled knot一个令人难以置信、复杂缠绕 的结

3.(particular type of knot)打结法
a Windsor knot温莎领结;双活结

In sailing ships some knots were so complicated that some trainee seamen became frantic with confusion.帆船上有一些绳结非常复杂, 以至于一些实习海员因感到困惑变得狂暴起来。

4.缩写为kn或kt【海】(unit of speed)节(船只、飞行器的速度单位, 约合1.85公里/小时)

They travel at speeds of up to 30 knots.他们以高达30节的速度行进。

thirteen knot winds速度为13节的风

5.(in wood, plank)节瘤(横切面)

Look for knots in the planks.寻找木板中的节瘤。


Her hair was piled high in a fashionable knot.她的头发被高高盘成了一个时尚的发髻。


He grinned at the knot of fans behind him.他朝身后的一小群粉丝咧嘴一笑。

8.(caused by tension or fear)紧缩感;恐惧感

A painful, icy knot grew in his chest.他心中涌起了一阵痛苦而冰冷的恐惧感。

There was a knot of tension in his stomach.他很紧张, 心揪得紧紧的。

9.(in muscle)硬块;瘤;肿块

Massage can get rid of the knots in your neck.按摩能够消除你脖子上的肿块。

12.【海】(in log line)测速绳节
13.(bow)(装饰用的)花结, 蝴蝶结
14.(tie, bond)结合;姻缘
the marriage knot姻缘

a fictional character through whom William Faulkner explored the tangled knots of these relationships威廉•福克纳借以探索这些错综复杂关系的一个虚构人物

16.【植】(on tree trunk)瘤;突起
17.(on organ or part)突;瘤
at a rate of knots<英,非正式>飞快地

I'm acquiring grey hairs at a rate of knots.我的白发正在飞速增多。

to tie the knot<非正式>结婚

Len and Kate tied the knot five years ago.伦恩和凯特5年前结为伉俪。

to tie yourself in knots<非正式>感到迷惑不解;急切

The press agent tied himself in knots trying to apologise.那个新闻广告员急于道歉。

knot² /nɒt/(knots,knotting,knotted)
🄰 vt.
1.(fasten)+ rope, string, cloth把…打成结;捆扎

She knotted the ends of the rope and pulled it tight.她把绳子的两端打成结, 然后拉紧。

He knotted the bandanna around his neck.他把印花大围巾系在了脖子上。

2.(tense)(因害怕或激动)痉挛, 紧缩

The old dread knotted her stomach.从前那些可怕经历让她的心都揪紧了。


He drew back slightly, his hands knotted in her hair.他稍稍后退, 手缠绕在她的头发中。

4.(in crafts)编结(工艺品或图案)
🄱 vi.

I felt my stomach knot with apprehension.我很担忧, 心都揪紧了。

2.(become twisted or entangled)纠缠;扭结

His hands were knotting and unknotting.他的双手不停地交叉又分开。

3.(form knot)打结

The different strands knotted easily.不同的绳索很容易缠结在一起。

Phrasal Verbknot together




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