

单词 knock
释义 knock¹ /nɒk/
🄰 vt.
1.(strike, hit)+ object, part of body碰;撞

She accidentally knocked the biscuit tin off the shelf.她不小心把架子上的饼干盒碰了下来。

She must have knocked the picture when she went out.她肯定是出去的时候撞掉了那幅画。

to knock your head碰头

He knocked his head getting out of the car.下车时他碰着头了。

to knock your head on sth头碰到…上面

Don't knock your head on the beam.小心头碰横梁。

2.(make)+ opening, space打通
to knock a hole in sth在…中敲出一个洞

We knocked a hole in the wall with a sledgehammer.我们用长柄大锤在墙上敲出一个洞。

to knock two rooms into one将两间屋子打通连成一间
3.(force)+ nail敲;击
to knock a nail into sth将钉子钉入…

He knocked a nail into the wall to hang the picture on.他在墙上钉了钉子, 用来挂画。

4.(push, push over)+ person碰倒;推倒

The third wave was so strong it knocked me backwards.第三回浪太大, 把我冲得连连后退。

blow, blast +将某人击倒在地

The force of the blast had knocked me to the ground.爆炸的冲力将我击倒在地。

(knock out)击昏某人;使某人不省人事

Rudolph had seen him knock Thomas unconscious with one blow of his fist.鲁道夫看到他一拳击昏了托马斯。

to be knocked unconscious被击昏

Don't knock it until you've tried it.尝试之前, 不要批评它。

I'm not knocking them: if they want to do it, it's up to them.我并不是批评他们, 想不想做那件事取决于他们。

6.<非正式>(diminish )使失去(自尊等)

Those people hurt me and knocked my confidence.那些人伤害了我, 还打击了我的自信心。

7.<非正式>(have sex with)与…性交
🄱 vi.
1.(with knuckles)敲;击

He knocked before going in.他进去前先敲了敲门。

+ door, window

Knock at my window at eight o'clock and I'll be ready.八点钟来敲我的窗户, 我会准备好的。

+ door, window

She went directly to Simon's apartment and knocked on the door.她径直跑到西蒙公寓门口, 然后开始敲门。

Someone knocked sharply on the window.有人急促地敲着窗户。

+ table, desk敲击

He waited patiently then knocked on the counter.他耐心地等待着, 后来就敲起柜台来。

2.to knock against sb/sth

He deliberately knocked against her as he left the room.他离开房间时故意撞了她一下。

It was the door knocking against the latch.那是门碰门闩的声音。

3.engine +发出轰隆声

His old truck, knocking and smoking, pulled out of sight.他的旧卡车, 轰隆轰隆冒着烟, 驶出了视线。

4.pipe, radiator +发出噪声

The floorboards squeaked and the pipes knocked.地板吱吱响, 管道也噪声不断。

5.bearing +(尤指引擎的轴承)发出声音
6.to be knocking on<非正式>变老

He's knocking on a bit these days.这些天他苍老了一些。

to be knocking on for sth快要到…岁

He's knocking on for fifty.他很快就五十岁了。

7.to knock sb into the middle of next week<非正式>重击某人

One step from the straight and narrow and his father knocked him into the middle of next week.他犯点小错, 他爸爸就会把他狠狠揍一顿。

8.knock it off!<非正式>住嘴;别说了;住手;别闹了

Knock it off, I'm trying to concentrate.别说了, 我正在专心思考。

Will you just knock it off!别闹了!

9.to knock sb on the head当头一击打昏(或打死)某人

If you get any trouble, knock him on the head.如果你遇到麻烦, 就狠敲脑袋打昏他。

10.to knock sth on the head<英,非正式>中止…;阻止…进一步发展

When she comes back, I'll simply knock it on the head and tell her that she's got to go.她回来时, 我会叫停这一切, 并告诉她必须走人。

11.to knock some sense into sb管教某人;打得某人守规矩

Bring the boy to me, I'll soon knock some sense into him.把那个男孩带过来, 一会儿我要好好收拾他。

12.to knock them deadorto knock 'em dead<非正式>使人们倾倒;给大家留下深刻印象

Glamorous make-up is best reserved for days when you want to knock 'em dead.魅惑彩妆最好留在你想把所有人都迷倒的时候用。

Phrasal Verbsknock about,knock about with,knock around,knock around with,knock back,knock down,knock off,knock on,knock out,knock over,knock through,knock together,knock up
knock² /nɒk/ n.
1.(causing damage)敲;打击

The varnish will protect the wood against knocks.亮光漆会使木头表面更加抗敲打。


The striker is carrying a couple of minor knocks.罢工者身上有两处小伤。

3.(on door)敲门声;敲击声

Suddenly they heard a knock.突然他们听到了一下敲门声。

a knock at sth敲…的声音

There was a knock at the door.有敲门声。


The art market has suffered some severe knocks during the past two years.在过去的两年间, 艺术品市场遭受了严重打击。

What they said was a real knock to my self-confidence.他们的话是对我自信心的一次重大打击。

to take a knock遭受挫折

Our credibility will take a severe knock if we don't keep the momentum up.如果不保持这个势头, 我们的信誉会遭受重创。

5.(in engine, bearing, pipe)轰轰声;噪声

Some horrible knocks and rattles were coming from the engine.引擎发出了一些恐怖的轰隆声和嘎嘎声。


No knock on Andre Reed, but that's not what I want to be.安德烈·里德让人挑不出什么毛病, 但我不想成为那种人。





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