

单词 knee
释义 knee¹ /niː/ n.

He will receive physiotherapy on his damaged left knee.因左膝受伤, 他将接受物理治疗。

I've got a sore knee.我膝盖很疼。

2.(area near joint)膝部

The water came up to our knees.水漫过了我们的膝盖。

I have a scar on my left knee.我左膝上有个疤。

He had grazed his knee.他擦伤了膝盖。

to fall to your knees跪下

He staggered back, and fell to his knees.他步履蹒跚地走回来, 然后跪倒在地。

to get up off your knees站起来

The woman got up off her knees and went over to him.女人站了起来, 向他走去。

3.(in horse, cat, bird)
4.(in trousers)(裤子的)膝部
jeans with holes at both knees双膝都有洞的牛仔裤

I draped a blanket over her knees.我将一块毯子盖在了她的大腿上。

The baby worked its way over Fran's knees and down onto the floor.婴儿爬过弗兰的大腿, 摔倒在地板上。

on sb's kneeoron sb's knees在某人腿上

I sat in the back of the taxi with my son on my knee.我坐在出租车后座上, 抱着我的儿子。

to sit on sb's knee坐在某人腿上

Come over here and sit on my knee.过来坐我腿上。

7.(in pipe, hill, tree;bend)弯头;曲材
9.to bend the kneeorto bow the knee屈服

Blair's concession of the referendum marks the moment when politics formally bowed the knee.布莱尔政府在公民投票问题上的让步正式标志着其在政治上正式作出妥协。

to bend the knee to sborto bow the knee to sb向某人屈服

On their home field, England bowed the knee to the undisputed champions of the world.在主场, 英格兰队面对这支无可争议的世界冠军队伍, 只能俯首称臣。

nations which refused to bend the knee to Hitler拒绝屈服于希特勒统治的国家

10.to be on your knees
(kneel down)跪下

She was on her knees in the kitchen.她跪在厨房里。

(be tired or defeated)殚精力竭;精疲力竭

I'm just about on my knees by the end of the season.在赛季末尾的时候我几乎是筋疲力尽。

11.to bring sth to its knees
+ country, government, organization将…几乎击垮

Our aim is to bring this government to its knees, to force it to the negotiating table.我们的目标就是击垮这个政府, 迫使它回到谈判桌上来。

12.to bring sb to their knees使某人屈服;将某人击垮

The alliance's air power brought its adversaries to their knees.联盟的空军力量打垮了敌对者。

A sharp pain nearly brought me to my knees.一阵剧痛几乎将我击垮。

13.to go down on your kneesorto get down on your knees
(to pray, beg, or apologize)跪下

Get down on your knees and repent!跪下忏悔!

knee² /niː/ comp.
1.(relating to knee)膝部的
a knee injury膝部伤口
2.(reaching knee)到达膝部的;及膝的
knee socks膝袜
knee³ /niː/ vt.(knees,kneeing,kneed)
+ person(用膝盖)顶, 撞, 轻推

Ian kneed him in the groin.伊恩用膝盖顶了他的下体。





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