

单词 lay
释义 lay¹ /leɪ/
lay² /leɪ/(lays,laying,laid)
🄰 vt.

She laid the baby in her cot.她把婴儿放到小床上。

Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor.在地上摆一张报纸。

2.(put in correct position)+ carpet, pipes铺放;铺设

Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes.公共事业公司挖路铺设管道。

A man came to lay the bedroom carpet.一名男子来铺客厅的地毯。

3.+ eggs(鸟类)产(卵);(尤指家鸡)下(蛋)

My canary has laid an egg.我的金丝雀下了一个蛋。

4.to lay the table<英>布置餐桌;摆放餐具

Please can you lay the table?请您摆一下餐具好吗?

The table was laid for lunch.餐桌已经布置好准备吃午饭了。

to lay a place for sb在餐桌上为某人留一个位置

reforms that laid the basis for the welfare state为福利制度打下基础的改革

to lay the foundations for sthorto lay the foundations of sth为…打下基础
6.(devise)+ plans布置;设计;制订;准备

The organizers meet in March to lay plans.组织者们于3月碰头制订计划。

to lay a trap for sb为某人设圈套;为某人设置陷阱
7.to lay the blame/responsibility for sth on sb
(attribute to)因…责怪某人;将…归咎于某人

She refused to lay the blame for it on any one party.她拒绝将此归咎于任何一方。

to lay charges<英>(accuse officially)提出指控
8.to lay a fire准备生火

The scene is laid in London.这个场景设在伦敦。

to lay sth on sth在…上施以…

In Impressionism the paint was laid on the canvas in dabs.在印象派绘画中, 颜料被一点点轻涂在画布上。

11.(impose)+ penalty, fine将…加诸
to lay sth on sth/sb把…加诸…

The airline could lay a penalty on your travel agent.航空公司可能会处罚相关旅行社。


I lay you five to one on Prince.我以1赔5跟你打赌, 赌王子赢。

13.(make settle)使落下;阻止…扬起
to lay the dust压落尘埃;使尘土不扬
14.<粗>(have sex with)与…上床
to get laid跟人上床

Making a profit from laying horses to lose is no easier or harder than backing horses to win.通过赌马输赚钱在难度上与通过赌马赢赚钱没什么差别。


Traditional wool fabric requires regular brushing to lay the nap down in one direction.传统毛料要求将毛朝一个方向刷平。

17.【园艺】+ hedge(劈树枝)修筑
18.(in rope-making)搓(股索)成绳;搓编(绳、缆等)
19.【军】+ weapon调…至瞄准位置
🄱 vi.
1.birds +产卵;(尤指家鸡)下蛋

The hens stopped laying in winter.这些母鸡冬天停止了产蛋。


The captain ordered the crew to lay aft.船长命令船员去船尾。


He often lays in bed all the morning.他经常整个上午躺在床上。

4.to lay aboard【海】<古>靠近战舰登船
5.to lay about you<英,过时>向四处猛击一气

She proceeded to lay about her with her umbrella.接着, 她用伞劈头盖脸地朝四周乱打一气。

6.to lay sth bareorto lay bare sth使…显露出来;使…暴露

He laid bare his plans.他把计划和盘托出。

7.to lay a course【海】(朝某一方向)直驶

The ship left port and laid a course for the west coast.轮船离开港口, 向西海岸直驶而去。


The college community has laid a course for the university to become carbon neutral by 2050.大学社区已制订计划, 到2050年学校实现碳中和。

8.to lay down your life<文>牺牲;献出生命

Man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.人间没有比为朋友肝脑涂地更伟大的爱了。

9.to lay hold of sth抓住某物;抓紧某物

He laid hold of his brother's shirt and pulled him close.他抓住兄弟的衬衫, 把他拉近身边。

10.to lay it onorto lay it on thick<非正式>过分夸大;言过其实

I may have spoken a bit too freely, even laid it on a little.我可能有些自由发挥, 甚至有些言过其实了。

Don't lay it on too thick, but make sure you charm them.别讲得太过, 但是一定要保证迷住他们。

11.to lay money/odds/bets on sth<英>bookmaker, gambler +把赌注押在…上;赌…赢

I laid money on the favourite.我把赌注押在最喜欢的马身上。

(expressing confidence)敢就…打赌

I wouldn't lay bets on his still remaining manager after the spring.我看他这个经理当不过春天了。

I'll lay odds on that Dean is at your office right now.我敢打赌迪安现在就在你办公室。

12.to lay sth open
(make visible)使…显露;使…暴露

the powers of the spirit world which are laid open to the individual in dreams人的梦境里显露出的精神世界的力量

13.to lay sb/sth open to sth
+ criticism, attack使…易受…

The party thereby lays itself open to charges of corruption.该党因此难免被人指责腐败。

Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule.这种言论会让人家笑话她。

Phrasal Verbslay alongside,lay aside,lay away,lay before,lay by,lay down,lay in,lay into,lay off,lay on,lay out,lay over,lay to,lay up
lay³ /leɪ/ n.
1.the lay of sth

He sent out scouts to spy out the lay of the enemy camp.他派出侦察兵探察敌营位置。

He looked round him to get the lay of the room.他环顾四周, 了解了一下房间的布局。

3.<冒犯>(sexual partner)床友;性伴侣
to be an easy lay在性方面随便
4.(in rope-making)(绳索的)绞向
7.the lay of the land<美>(geographical)地形

Thanks to the lay of the land the area is superb biking terrain.拜地形所赐, 这一地区特别适合骑车。

to get the lay of the land<美>(assess the situation)了解情况;掌握动态
lay⁴ /leɪ/ adj.




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