

单词 joint
释义 joint¹ /dʒɔɪnt/ n.

Her joints ache if she exercises.她一运动关节就疼。

This anti-inflammatory agent prevents the joints from swelling.这种消炎药剂可预防关节肿大。

2.(junction of objects)接合点;接合处

Check the pipes for leaks at the joints.检查管道接缝处是否有泄漏。

deterioration in the rubber seals to the joints接合处橡胶密封条的磨损

3.(space between two junctions)接头;接缝

Moisture was trapped in the joint.水分被锁在接缝里。

4.<英>+of meat(烧烤用的带骨的)大块肉

He carved the joint of beef.他切开了那一大块待烤的牛肉。

5.<俚>(cannabis cigarette)大麻烟卷

The two youngsters smoked a joint in the park.那两个年轻人在公园里抽大麻烟。

6.<俚>(disreputable establishment)声名狼藉的场所(如酒吧、夜总会等)

They had come to the world's most famous pick-up joint.他们来到了全世界最有名的寻花问柳之地。


a hamburger joint一家汉堡店

a tiny jazz joint一家小小的爵士乐厅

out of joint
(of bone)脱臼

His pelvis had been thrown out of joint by convulsions.他的骨盆因为抽搐而脱臼。

(out of order)不对的;不合适的;混乱的;发生故障的

Why should the passions of a man and a woman be so out of joint?为什么男女间的欲望要如此拧巴?

The electoral timetable seems to be out of joint with the need for change.选举时间表似乎有些混乱, 需要改动一下。

to put sb's nose out of joint<非正式>冒犯某人;排挤某人
joint² /dʒɔɪnt/ adj.
1.+ decision, effort共同的;联合的

Jackie and Ben came to a joint decision as to where they would live.杰基和本对在哪里居住的问题一起作出了决定。

The presentation was a joint effort.这次演示是共同努力的结果。

2.+ owner, ruler共同的

They are joint owners of the bar.他们是酒吧的共有人。

3.(belonging to multiple people)共有的;联合的
joint property共有财产
joint responsibility共同责任

The control of these costs is the joint responsibility of line managers and HR staff.控制这些开销是部门经理和人力资源部工作人员的共同责任。


joint creditors联合债权人

joint³ /dʒɔɪnt/ vt.
1.<英>+ meat, fowl把…从关节处切开;把…切成带骨的大块
2.(fasten by joint)为…装上接头;为…接好接缝

Pipes hadn't been properly jointed, so we had constant leaks and floods.管道没有接好, 所以老是漏水、跑水。

The platform was built where the Frenchman's lower mast was jointed to the upper.在“法国人”号的下桅与顶桅连接处建了一座平台。

3.(plane edge of)+ board把…刨平;把…锉平

The board was jointed and sawed to size.木板刨平后锯成合适的尺寸。





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