

单词 job
释义 job¹ /dʒɒb/ n.

There are always plenty of jobs to be done round here.这里总是有很多活儿要干。

Save major painting jobs for the spring or summer.把主要的绘画工作留到春天或夏天吧。

to do a good job of itorto make a good job of it把某事做得出色;干得好

To their credit they made a good job of it.他们干得很好, 值得表扬。

to do a good job of doing sthorto make a good job of doing sth在某方面表现出色;在某方面做得好

He's doing a good job of running the company.他把公司经营得很好。

He didn't do a very good job of explaining the sequence of events.他没有把事件发生的前因后果解释清楚。

2.(object worked on)工件;(加工中的)物品

He held the job in his right hand.他右手握着工件。


It's not my job to look after your children.照顾你的孩子不是我的责任。

sb's job is to do sth某人的责任是做某事

Her job was to cook the dinner.她的职责就是做饭。

His next job is to get us to the World Cup finals.他的下一个任务是把我们带进世界杯决赛。

to be only doing your job只是做好本职工作, 恪尽职守

Don't blame the security guard for not letting you in; he is only doing his job.别怪保安不让你进, 他不过是尽职而已。


I felt the pressure of being the first woman in the job.我感到了成为做这份工作第一个女性所带来的压力。

to apply for a job求职;申请工作

He applied for a job there but didn't get it.他在那里申请了一份工作, 但是没得到。

to be out of a job失业

I am out of a job.我失业了。

to get a job就业

Once I'm in America I can get a job.一到美国, 我就能就业了。

I've got a Saturday job.我找到一份周六上班的工作。

to get a job as sth找到某工作

Gladys got a job as a secretary.格拉迪丝找到一份秘书的工作。

to lose your job失业;遭解雇

Thousands have lost their jobs.数千人失去工作。

5.(state of affairs)事情;事件;情况

He made the best of a bad job.他尽了力把这件坏事办成好事。

it's a good job that …幸好…

It's a good job you brought your brolly, it's starting to rain.幸好你带伞了, 下雨了。

It's a good job I saw you.幸好我看见你了。

6.<非正式>(damaging piece of work)造成损害的事

He really did a job on that.他着实把事情办砸了。


a bank job一起银行抢劫案


The new car was a nice little job.这辆新车小巧精致。

9.(instance of jobbery)贪污;营私舞弊
11.to have a job doing sthorto have a job to do sth<英,非正式>做某事有困难

Sorry I'm late, I had a job finding your flat.抱歉我迟到了, 找到你的公寓有点困难。

I had a job to contact him.我费了一番力气才联系到他。

12.jobs for the boys<英,贬>给亲友安排的工作;“走后门”安排的工作

There were accusations of jobs for the boys on the local council.有人指责地方议会通过走后门安排工作。

13.just the job<英,非正式>正是所需要的

Not only is it just the job for travelling, but it's handy for groceries too.这东西不光出门旅行需要, 而且买菜时也派得上用场。

14.on the job
(while working)在职的;在工作中的

These skills will be taught on the job.这些技能将在工作中传授。

There was no formal training; they learned on the job.他们并没有接受正式培训, 而是边工作、边学习。

(engaged in employment)在上班;在职

The top pay scale after five years on the job would reach $5.00 an hour.干满五年之后, 薪金最高可达每小时5美元。

<英,冒犯>(having sex)在干那事;发生性关系
job² /dʒɒb/ comp.
+ cuts工作的;+ prospects职业的

He said the job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.他说有必要通过裁员来覆盖攀升的成本。

a trainee electrician with no job prospects一个没有就业前景的电工学徒

job³ /dʒɒb/(jobs,jobbing,jobbed)
🄰 vi.
1.(work at casual jobs)做计件工;打零工

He jobbed in various factories.他在好几家工厂做过零工。

2.<罕>(profit from public office)假公济私
3.to job in sth
(buy and sell as middleman)做中间商;做掮客

He jobs in government surplus.他是政府剩余物资销售的中间商。


They jobbed as a sideline.他们的副业是股票经纪人。

to job in sth做某种证券的经纪人

He jobs in blue chips.他是蓝筹股经纪人。

🄱 vt.
1.(make profit out of)+ public office从(公职等)获利
2.+ contract, work分包;分派

The work was jobbed out.这份工作已经分派出去了。

to job sth out to sb将某事物分包给某人

The work was jobbed out to craftsmen.这份活计已经包给几个工匠了。





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