

单词 jerk
释义 jerk¹ /dʒɜːk/
🄰 vt.
1.+ line, rope猛拉;猛推;猛扔;急抽;急扭

I jerked the fishing rod back and lost the fish.我猛地拉起鱼竿, 结果鱼跑了。

Mike kept snatching him up by the collar and jerking him up.迈克揪住他的衣领把他往上猛提。

to jerk sth from sth从…抢走…

Buster jerked the lead from my grasp.巴斯特从我手中抢走了拴狗绳。

2.+ head, hand使猝然一动;使猛地一动

Eleanor jerked her wrist free.埃莉诺猛地把手腕挣脱了出来。

'This is Brady Coyne,' said Sam, jerking his head in my direction.“这是布雷迪•科因。”山姆突然转头对我说。

I jerked my hand away.我猛地把手甩开。

to jerk your head up猛地抬头

I jerked my head up and stared at her.我猛地抬起头来盯着她看。

+ hand, head猛地把…缩回来

I cried out and jerked my hand back.我大叫一声, 猛地把手抽了回来。

3.+ word, sound气喘吁吁地说;断断续续地说;急促地说

Mr Gilbert jerked the words out in syllables, because a wasp happened to be swooping round his head.正巧有一只黄蜂在吉尔伯特先生头顶上横冲直撞, 搞得他说话都是一个音节一个音节往外蹦。

4.+ venison, beef把…切成长条晒干
🄱 vi.
person +猝然一动;vehicle +猛地开动

Mr Griffin jerked forward in his chair.格里芬先生坐在椅子上猛地向前倾。

He jerked as if he had been shot.他猛地一抽, 好像中了枪一般。

to jerk to a halt紧急刹车

The bus jerked to a halt.公共汽车一个急刹车停住了。

Phrasal Verbsjerk around,jerk back,jerk off,jerk up
jerk² /dʒɜːk/ n.
1.(sharp movement)+of head, hand, body, wrist急促的动作;猝然的动作

He snapped the chain with one jerk of his hand他的手一把折断了链条。

with a jerk of your head甩头;扭头

He indicated the bedroom with a jerk of his head.他扭头示意卧室的方向。

2.+of bus, train, car颠簸;震摇

Avoid sudden jerks in intricate parking manoeuvres.在进行复杂的停车操作时要避免突然的颠簸。

with a jerk猛地一动

The train started with a jerk.火车猛地一颤开动了。

to give a jerk猛然一颤

The train suddenly gave a jerk.火车突然颤了一下。

3.+of line, rope猛拉;用力拖拽

I felt a jerk at the end of the line.我感到线那头儿有股力量在猛拉。

4.<俚,贬>(stupid person)愚笨的人;蠢人;无知的人

Listen, you jerk. A boy almost got killed just now.听着, 笨蛋。一个男孩刚才差点丧命。





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