

单词 issue
释义 issue¹ /ˈɪʃuː; ˈɪsjuː/ n.
2.+of newspaper, magazine期;号;版次

the latest issue of the magazine最新一期杂志

We sell 2,000 copies per issue.我们每期售出2,000份。

I read Germaine Greer's article in the March issue with particular interest.我饶有兴致地阅读了杰曼•格里尔刊登在三月号上的文章。

3.+of banknotes一次发行额
5.(something flowing out)流出物(如河流)
a controversial issue有争议的话题

the issue of human rights人权问题

People should let their MPs know where they stand on this issue.人们应该让下院议员们知道他们在这个问题上的立场。

That's not the issue.那不是问题所在。

9.(requiring decision)待解决的重大问题
12.(from wound)
15.+of food, clothing, ammunition配给;分配
16.(recording system)图书借阅登记系统
17.+of books(一段时间的)借书量
19.at issue
(being discussed)讨论中的;争论中的;争议中的

The problems of immigration were not the question at issue.移民问题不在讨论之中。

The point at issue is who controls the company.争议点是谁掌控这个公司。

20.to avoid the issue
(not talk about)避开某话题

She avoided the issue by changing the subject.她转移话题, 对此避而不谈。

21.to confuse the issue
(cause confusion)造成混淆

Do not draw it on the chart, as this will confuse the issue.不要画在图表上, 会造成混淆的。

22.to force the issue
(compel decision)强迫作出决定
23.to have issues
(have problems)有(某生活方面的)问题

I think once you have issues with food, you're going to have them for the rest of your life.我认为一旦饮食有问题, 这些问题就会终生困扰你。

24.to join issue
(join in controversy)参与争论
(submit for adjudication)将纠纷提交裁决
25.to make an issue of sth
(make a concern)引起关注;引起议论;小题大做

It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair.上校似乎不想把这件事闹大。

26.to take issue with sb/sth

Sister Morrison might take issue with me on that matter.在那件事情上莫里森修女可能与我意见相左。

I will not take issue with the fact that we have a recession.对我们正经历经济衰退的事实, 我不存异议。

issue² /ˈɪʃuː; ˈɪsjuː/(issues,issuing,issued)
🄰 vt.
1.+ book出版;+ banknotes, cheques, stamps发行
2.(make)+ statement发表;颁布;+ warning, threat, orders发出

Last night he issued a statement denying the allegations.昨晚, 他发表声明否认多项指控。

They issued a joint statement.他们发表了联合声明。

FIFA issued a threat to fine the club.国际足联威胁要对这家俱乐部处以罚款。

3.(supply)分发;提供;+ passport, document发放;发给

On your appointment, you will be issued a written statement of particulars of employment.正式任命时, 你将得到一份关于雇用细则的书面说明。

Staff will be issued new uniforms.会向员工发放新制服。

4.(produce)+ liquid使流出;+ sound, smell使发出
🄱 vi.
1.(come forth)liquid +流出;sound, smell +发出

A tinny voice issued from a speaker.扬声器传出了尖细的声音。

There were caves, with streams issuing from them.那里有几个山洞, 溪流汩汩流出来。





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