

单词 inside
释义 inside¹ /ˈɪnˌsaɪd/ adj.
1.(interior)+ wall里面的;内部的;内侧的;+ toilet室内的
an inside cabin内部舱室
sb's inside pocket某人衣服的内侧口袋
+of newspaper内页

The story didn't even make it to the inside pages.这个报道甚至连内页都没登上。

2.(from an insider)(消息等)内部的, 内幕的
inside information内部消息;内部情报
to have inside information about sb/sth有关…的内部消息
inside knowledge内情;内幕
the inside story内情;内幕
See alsoinside lane
inside² /ˈɪnˌsaɪd/ adv.

I sat inside and waited.我坐在屋里等着。

They're waiting for you inside.他们正在里面等你。

to go inside进去

'I was expecting you,' she said, inviting him inside.“我正等着你呢。”她说着, 将他请进屋里。

from inside从屋里
2.(in a container etc)在(或向)…里面

a box with all the paperwork inside里面装着所有书面材料的盒子

a fruit with a seed inside一种有果核的水果

The potato cakes should be crisp outside and soft inside.土豆饼应该外酥里嫩。

3.(referring to feelings)内心;心里

Do you get a feeling inside when you write something you like?当写自己喜欢的东西时, 内心会有一种特别的情感吗?

Sharpe felt an emptiness inside.夏普感到心里很空虚。

4.(by nature)本性上

Inside, he's a good chap.他本性上是个好人。

5.<非正式>(in prison)在狱中;在监牢里;向监牢

He's been inside three times.他已进过三回监狱。

6.inside of sth

I asked Miriam to wake me inside of four hours.我让米里亚姆四小时以内叫醒我。

7.inside out里朝外地;翻面地

You've got your sweater on inside out.你把毛衣穿反了。

8.to know sth/sb inside out
+ place, subject, person对…十分熟悉;对…了如指掌

He knows Liverpool inside out.他对利物浦了如指掌。

He knew the game inside out.他对比赛非常熟悉。

We know each other inside out.我们十分了解对方。

9.to turn sth inside out

I turned my jacket inside out.我把夹克翻了个面。


The bedrooms were turned inside out.卧室被翻了个底朝天。


War turns morality inside out: killing and cruelty are virtues.战争颠倒了道德观:杀戮和残忍成了美德。

inside³ /ˈɪnˌsaɪd/ prep.
1.+ building在…里面;向…里面

A fire started inside the building.大火从建筑物内部开始燃起。

We went inside the house.我们走进屋里。

2.+ container, box, envelope在(或向)…里

Inside the passport was a folded slip of paper.护照里面有张折起的纸片。

3.(referring to feelings)在…的心里

I felt a sudden anger inside me.一股怒火蹿上我的心头。

4.+ company, organization在…内部

What is happening inside the Party?党内发生了什么事?

from inside sth来自…内部

Most chief executives come from inside the company.大部分总经理来自公司内部。

5.(in less than)在(某段时间)之内;不到;少于

Inside three hours, we were back home again.不到三小时我们就又回家了。

inside⁴ /ˈɪnˌsaɪd/ n.
1.+of building里面;内侧;内部

the inside of the church教堂内部

There was ice on the inside of the bedroom window.卧室窗户的里面结冰了。

from the inside从里面

The doors were locked from the inside.门从里面锁上了。

2.+of box, container内;内侧;内部;+of mouth里面

The inside of the box is yellow.盒子内侧是黄色的。

Investigators swabbed the inside of his mouth to take a DNA sample.调查人员用药签在他口内提取了DNA样本。

3.the inside
(of a racetrack)内圈;里道
4.the inside
(of a path or pavement)(道路)离车道较远的一边, 靠墙的一边
5.from the inside of sth
+of organization从…内部

I am well aware – from the inside of the organization – of the amount of waste and unnecessary spending which occurs.作为内部人士, 我非常清楚出现的浪费和不必要开支的数额。





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