

单词 answer
释义 answer¹ /ˈɑːnsə/缩写为A. n.
1.(to question)口头回答;应答

Without waiting for an answer, he turned and went in through the door.他没等别人答复就转身走进门去。

My answer is 'no'.我的回答就是“不”。

+ question对…的回答

First you've got to give me an answer to my question.首先请你回答我的问题。

+ criticism, comments对…作出回应

I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question.你的问题我还真不知道该怎么回答才好。

to give sb an answer给某人答复

I'll give you an answer by Friday.我会在礼拜五之前给你一个答复。

2.(to letter)书面答复;回信

I wrote to him but never got an answer.我给他写了信, 但一直没收到回信。

an answer to sth对…的回复(或回信)

I finally got an answer to my letter.我终于收到了给我的回信。

We've written to the bank but we can't even get an answer to our letters.我们已经给银行去了信, 但是连回复都没收到一个。

in answer to your letter作为对你的来信的回复

She wrote to Roosevelt's secretary in answer to his letter of the day before.她给罗斯福的秘书写了信, 答复他前一天的来信。


The receptionist couldn't get an answer from her room.前台服务员往她房间打电话, 但是没有人接。

(to knock at the door)没有人应门

I knocked at the front door and there was no answer.我敲了敲前门, 没有人应。

(to phone call)无人接听

I phoned several times but there was no answer.我打了几次电话, 但是没有人接。

4.(in exam, test, quiz)答案;解答

Hand in your answers as quickly as possible.尽快把答案交上来。

The answer you gave was incorrect.你给的答案是错的。

5.(correct response)正确答案

The answer is given on page 43.答案见第43页。

the answer to sth…的正确答案

The answers to the quiz are printed below.测验题的答案印在下面。

6.(solution to problem)解决办法;应对之策

Legislation is only part of the answer.立法只是解决方案中的一部分。

Prison is not the answer for most young offenders.对于大多数少年犯而言, 坐牢并非解决问题的办法。

the answer to sth…的解决办法(或应对之策)

There is no easy answer to this problem.这个问题没有简单的解决办法。

sb's answer to sth某人对…的反应(或回应)
in answer to sth作为对…的反应;为了回应…;应对…

Police went to an address in Sinclair Street in answer to a complaint.警察来到辛克莱街一户人家调查一宗投诉。


a programme described as Britain's answer to 'South Park'一个被称为英国的《南方公园》的节目

France's answer to Silicon Valley法国的硅谷

9.【律】(legal reply)(对质询书的)回答, 答复
10.【律】(in divorce case)(离婚案中的)答辩书
not to take no for an answer不使得别人同意不罢休;非取得同意不可

She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.她很强硬, 不达目的誓不罢休。

He would never take no for an answer.他从来都容不得别人说不。

answer² /ˈɑːnsə/
🄰 vi.
1.(speak in reply)口头回答;应答

'What's up?' said Sue. He didn't answer.“发生什么事了?”休说。他没有回答。

He paused before answering.他顿了一下才回答。

2.(to phone call)接听电话
(to knock at the door)应门;去开门

When they answered, he asked to talk to Lee.他们接了电话, 他要求和李通话。

He burst in without waiting for her to answer.未等她应门, 他就冲了进来。

(on the phone)没有人接听

The phone rang and rang, but nobody answered.电话铃响了又响, 可是没有人接听。

3.(write in response)书面回复;复信;回信

I sent him several letters but he never answered.我给他写了好几封信, 可是他从没有回过。

4.(respond to exam question)答题;解答

If you answer incorrectly you lose five points.如果回答错误, 会扣你5分。


She answered with a grin.她报以露齿一笑。

The police answered by charging into the crowd.作为回应, 警员冲进了人群。

🄱 vt.
1.(reply in words to)+ person, question, query回答;答复

I knew Ben was lying when he answered me.本回答我时, 我知道他在撒谎。

She didn't answer me.她没有回答我。

Just answer the question.请回答这个问题。

'No, thank you,' he answered.“不了, 多谢。”他回答道。

to answer that …回答道…

Williams answered that he had no specific proposals yet.威廉斯回答说他还没有具体的建议。

2.(write in response to)+ letter, advert书面回复;回(信)

Answering emails takes up most of my time.回复电子邮件占用了我大部分时间。

She answered an advert for a job as a cook.看到招聘厨师的广告, 她去信应聘了。

3.(to door/phone)应(门);接听
to answer the phone接听电话

She answered her phone on the first ring.电话一响她就接起来了。

to answer the doororto answer the bell应门;去开门

Can you answer the door please?你去开一下门好吗?

Midge went to answer the bell.米基去应门。

4.(in exam, test)+ question回答;对…作答;解答

She had answered 81 questions correctly.她答对了81道题。

5.(react to)对…作出反应;应对;回应

He answered her smile with one of his own.他对她的微笑同样报以微笑。

6.(to improve situation)满足;应许
to answer sb's prayers应许某人的祈祷;使某人的祈祷应验

It seems that my prayers have been answered.看来我的祈祷应验了。

to answer sb's needs满足某人的需求

We must ensure we answer the needs of students.我们一定要保证满足学生们的需求。

8.<正式>(defend, refute)对…抗辩;对…进行答辩;反驳
to answer a criticismorto answer a charge对批评进行反驳;对指控进行答辩

That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.那份声明似乎是专门反驳对联合轰炸任务所作的批评的。

to answer sb's description
to answer to sb's description符合对某人的描述

A man answering his description was seen in Glasgow.有目击者看到与对他的描述相符的人在格拉斯哥出现。

to answer sth's description
to answer to sth's description与对某事物的描述相符合

The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description.日本人从未制造过与此描述有丝毫相近的飞机。

to answer to the name of sth<幽默>名叫;叫作

The dog answers to the name of 'Spot'.那条狗名叫“点点”。

to have a lot to answer for应付很大责任;有严重过失而难辞其咎

Ever wonder where all the 50-year-old Kims came from? Ms Novak has a lot to answer for.是否曾想过这些50岁名叫金的人是从哪儿冒出来的吗?诺瓦克女士对此应付很大责任。

I can't answer for sb我无法代表某人(强调因不知他人的想法而无法代表其讲话)
Phrasal Verbsanswer back,answer for,answer to




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