

单词 in good nick
1.(small cut)(边缘或表面上的)凹痕, 缺口, 痕迹, 伤痕

The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.带刺铁丝网在我右眼的正下方只留下了一道小小的伤痕。

The blade has got a nick in it.刀刃上有个缺口。

2.the nick<英,非正式>(prison)监狱;监牢

After several years banged up in the nick, even you might start to go mad.在监狱里被关上几年后, 即使是你也有可能发疯。

3.<英,非正式>(police station)警察局

Mark went down to the local nick and reported his wallet stolen.马克去了当地的警察局, 把钱包被偷的事情报了案。

He's in the nick helping the coppers with their enquiries.他在警察局协助调查。

4.(nickname)(网上聊天室或论坛的)绰号, 别名

I know your nick is 'Obvious Guy'.我知道你的绰号是“平淡无奇(的家伙)”。

5.【印】(on type)缺刻
6.in good/bad nick<英,非正式>(object)状况好的/不妙的

Tom's house is actually in better nick than mine.汤姆房子的状况实际上比我的要好。

The car's been serviced recently and generally it's in good nick.汽车最近保养过, 所以总体上说状况不错。

The bodywork's in pretty bad nick, but the engine's superb.车身的状况很糟糕, 但发动机还非常棒。

+ person身体状况良好的/欠佳的

His ribs were damaged, but other than that he's in good nick.他的肋骨受伤了, 但除此之外他的身体状况还不错。

The old boy's in rather poor nick at the moment.这位老兄目前身体状况很糟。

See nick




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