

单词 indirectly
释义 indirectly /ˌɪndaɪˈrektlɪ/ adv.
1.cause, affect, relate +非直接地;间接地

Nicotine indirectly causes a release of dopamine in the brain.尼古丁会间接导致大脑中多巴胺的释放。

Indirectly, I did cause her death. I shouldn't have left her there.我的确间接造成了她的死亡。我不应该把她留在那里。

The president is indirectly elected by parliament.总统由议会间接选举产生。

I cannot take a life, even indirectly.我不能剥夺别人的生命, 哪怕是以间接的方式。

to be indirectly responsible for sth对某事负有间接责任

Drugs were indirectly responsible for much of the violence.许多暴力活动都是由毒品间接导致的。

2.refer, suggest +不直截了当地;拐弯抹角地;含蓄地

He referred only indirectly to the current crisis.他只是隐晦地提到了当前的危机。

Nicholas had indirectly suggested that Mollie might be the person who had disposed of the will.尼古拉斯拐弯抹角地暗示莫莉也许是那个销毁遗嘱的人。





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