

单词 indefinite
释义 indefinite /ɪnˈdefɪnɪt/ adj.
1.缩写为indef.(without exact limits)期限不定的;无限期的

The trial was adjourned for an indefinite period.审判被无限期推迟。

The Internal Security Act allows indefinite detention without trial.《内安法令》允许未经审判而进行无期限拘留。

Bank employees are due to start an indefinite strike today.银行雇员定于今日开始无限期罢工。

2.+ future不确定的;不定的;未定的

sometime in the indefinite future在不确定的未来的某个时候

3.+ answer, idea模糊不清的;含糊的;不明确的

Many of his ideas are indefinite and vague.他的许多想法都是含糊不清的。

4.【植】(very numerous)无定数的

indefinite stamens无定数雄蕊

5.【植】(able to grow)无限的

an indefinite inflorescence无限花序





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