

单词 incubate
释义 incubate /ˈɪnkjʊˌbeɪt/
🄰 vt.
1.【动】bird, fish ++ egg

The female incubates the eggs.雌性孵卵。

The birds returned to their nests and continued to incubate the eggs.鸟返回巢里继续孵卵。

2.【农】(in incubator)+ bacteria培养;+ embryos温育;培育;+ eggs孵化
3.(cause to develop)使逐渐发展;酝酿

They incubated sedition and plotted against Rome.他们煽动暴乱并密谋反抗罗马。

🄱 vi.
1.【动】(naturally)eggs +孵化

The eggs need nine or ten days to incubate.这些卵孵化需要九到十天。

2.【农】eggs +(尤指在孵化器中)孵化;embryos +(尤指在培育箱中)温育, 培育;bacteria +(尤指在培养箱中)培养
3.【病理】disease +潜伏

A cold takes three days to incubate.感冒的潜伏期为三天。

The virus can incubate for up to ten days after the initial infection.该病毒在最初感染后可潜伏长达十天。

4.(take shape)逐渐形成;酝酿

the fateful decision which had doubtless been incubating in his mind for years无疑已在他心中酝酿多年的重大决定





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