

单词 incident
释义 incident¹ /ˈɪnsɪdənt/ n.
1.(event; in book, story, account)发生的事;事情;事件

Police were still investigating the incident yesterday.警察昨天仍在调查这一事件。

a major incident like widespread flooding or storm damage像大面积洪水泛滥或暴风雨灾害一样的重大事故

She told us about some of the amusing incidents of her holiday.她跟我们说了一些她假期中的趣事。

an isolated incident一起孤立事件

This may well not be an isolated incident so we are sending a message to all branches.这很可能不是一起孤立事件, 所以我们正在给所有分公司发送信息。

2.(minor event)小事;伴随的事;相关的事;小插曲

This moment in history is no mere incident.这一历史时刻举足轻重。

3.(political event)(尤指国际政治中可能产生严重后果的)小事变, 小事件

Trivial incidents, mishandled, can escalate into war.琐碎的小事件如果处理不当也可能会升级为战争。

These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between the two nations.这些是两国间一系列纠纷中的最近几起小事件。


26 people have been killed in a dramatic shooting incident.有26人在一起激烈的枪击骚乱中身亡。

5.(interesting occurrence)趣事的发生;令人激动的变故

The trip was not without incident.旅途中不乏趣事。

The voting went ahead without incident.投票风平浪静地进行下去。

to be full of incident充满波折

It was a great game, full of incident.这是一场精彩的赛事, 一波三折。

incident² /ˈɪnsɪdənt/ adj.

disorders incident to the female sex因雌性而产生的混乱

all the information that is incident on them与他们有关的所有信息

3.【物】(arriving at surface)(尤指光束或粒子束)入射的




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