

单词 incentive
释义 incentive¹ /ɪnˈsentɪv/ n.

the added incentive of compensation if they succeed他们成功便会有的额外补偿激励

The incentive must be sufficiently great to warrant the investment.必须有足够大的回报激励才值得投资。

an incentive to do sth做某事的动力

a massive incentive to cut waste and operate more efficiently减少浪费和提高经营效率的巨大动力

an incentive for sb to do sth某人做某事的动力

an added incentive for older viewers to move to digital激励老年电视观众向数字电视转变的额外因素

to have no incentive to do sth没有做某事的动力

I had no incentive to go back.没有什么让我想回去的。

There is no incentive to work.工作缺乏动力。

tax incentives税收激励;税收优惠

tax incentives for companies that create jobs对创造就业机会的公司的税收优惠

2.(extra payment)(对员工的)奖励

Most employees who are paid incentives are paid through 'payment by results' schemes.大多数获得奖励的员工都是依据“按业绩付酬”方案支付的。

incentive² /ɪnˈsentɪv/ comp.
1.(giving extra payment)奖励(性)的
an incentive scheme奖励方案
2.(inciting to action)激励(性)的;鼓励(性)的
the incentive approach激励性手段




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