

单词 illogical
释义 illogical /ɪˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ adj.
1.(not based on logic)+ argument, belief, plot, reaction, feeling不合逻辑的;悖理的;荒谬的;乖戾的
his completely illogical arguments他那些完全不合逻辑的论证

They thought the plot was ridiculously illogical.他们认为情节荒谬可笑。

it is illogical to do sth做某事是荒诞不经的

It is illogical to have two houses of parliament with the same powers.赋予议会两院相同的权力是大谬不然。

2.(not using logic)+ person不讲逻辑的

You have the right to be illogical and not to have to justify yourself.你有权漠视逻辑, 也有权不为自己辩解。





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