

单词 ill
释义 ill¹ /ɪl/ adj.(worse,worst)

He was seriously ill with pneumonia.他患了严重的肺炎。

to feel ill感到不适
to look ill气色不好;看上去有病

You look ill.你气色不好。

to make sb ill使某人生病

If damp, musty buildings make you ill, mould is probably the cause.如果潮湿发霉的房子使你生病, 也许是霉菌作怪。

to be taken ill生病;病倒

Shortly before Christmas, he wasmysteriously taken ill.临近圣诞节时, 他不知怎地就病倒了。

to fall ill生病;病倒

She fell ill with measles.她得了麻疹。

to get illorto become ill生病;病倒

if you get ill or have an accident while abroad如果你在国外时病倒或出事故

chronically ill长期患病的

a chronically ill child长期患病的小孩

mentally ill患有精神病的

a mentally ill man一名患精神病的男子

to be terminally ill病危;患有绝症

Two years ago my husband was declared to be terminally ill.两年前我丈夫被宣告患了绝症。

2.(hostile)+ feelings, intent有敌意的;恶意的;不友善的

He says that he bears no ill feelings towards Johnson.他说他对约翰逊并无恶意。

cases where people have not behaved maliciously and there is no ill intent人们并无恶意行为和不良企图的事例

3.<正式>(bad)+ luck, fortune, omen不祥的;倒霉的;+ effect不良的;+ treatment, deed恶劣的;不仁的;+ grace勉强的;不情愿的;+ repute坏的;狼藉的;扫地的;+ manners无礼的;粗鲁的

He had a life dogged by ill luck.他一生命途多舛。

They claimed that factors beyond their control had led to their ill fortune.他们声称, 一些非他们所能控制的因素使他们倒了霉。

Some people are still suffering ill effects from the contamination of their water.一些人仍然在承受饮用水污染带来的不良影响。

I saw no evidence of ill treatment.我没有看到任何虐待的证据。

There, she had much less chance of repeating her ill deeds.好啦, 她再度作恶的机会少得多了。

It was with ill grace that he acknowledged our contribution.他只是勉强承认了我们的贡献。

people of ill repute名声不好的人

The bat is sometimes seen as a symbol of ill omen.蝙蝠有时被看作凶兆的象征。

a bird of ill omen不祥之鸟;预兆凶险的鸟

But now on Wednesday, like a bird of ill omen, here he was again.而现在到了星期三, 他又像一只不祥之鸟那样来了。

4.it's an ill wind that blows nobody any goodorit's an ill wind …没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人

But it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good and we had a delicious meal.不过这并非一无是处, 我们吃的一顿饭倒是很可口。

But it's an ill wind; I recovered and married one of my nurses from that hospital.但那也不完全是坏事, 我康复后和医院里护理我的一名护士结了婚。

ill² /ɪl/ adv.

It ill becomes us to be self-righteous in our criticism of him.我们抱着自以为是的态度批评他, 这有失我们的身份。

to speak ill of sb说某人的坏话

One shouldn't speak ill of the dead.我们不应该说死人的坏话。

to think ill of sb把某人往坏里想;把某人想得很坏

Yet no one thinks ill of him.然而没有人把他往坏里想。

sb can ill afford sth某人承担不了某事

We can ill afford another scandal.我们可不能再出丑闻了。

sb can ill afford to do sth某人可不能做某事;某人承担不了做某事的后果

It's possible he won't play but I can ill afford to lose him.他有可能不愿意参加比赛了, 但我可不能失去他。

United can ill afford to let the affair drag on.曼联队承受不起让这件事拖延下去的后果。

to bode illorto augur ill不是好兆头

She had never talked like this before and it boded ill.她从没像这样说过话, 这不是好兆头。

These realities only augur ill for the future of democracy there.这些现实情况只能预示那里的民主前景不妙。

it ill behoves sb to do sth某人做某事不合适

People have a right to enjoy their holidays how they wish and it ill behoves a journalist to sneer at them.人们有权按照自己的意愿去享受假期, 新闻记者讥笑他们是不合适的。

to sit ill with sth对某事物不合适;与某事物格格不入

This policy sat ill with her commitment to revolutionary radicalism.这项政策与她对革命激进主义的承诺格格不入。

ill³ /ɪl/ n.

all the ill that we did there我们在那里犯下的种种恶行

to mean sb no ill不想伤害某人;不想某人倒霉

They mean you no ill.他们对你没有恶意。


Many elderly patients die because, with a reduced immunity, winter ills too readily become pneumonia.很多老年病人死亡是由于免疫力降低使冬季的小病极易变成肺炎。

3.See ills
4.for goodorill<正式>不管是好是坏;无论后果如何

Recent events should make everyone modest about saying what cannot happen there, for good or ill.最近的事件应该会让每个人在预测某处不可能发生什么事时变得谨慎起来, 不论是好事还是坏事。

ill⁴ /ɪl/ npl.
the ill病人

policies which were disadvantaging the old and the ill对老人和病人不利的政策

the chronically ill长期患病者
the mentally ill精神病患者

I used to work with the mentally ill.我过去的工作是和精神病患者打交道。

the seriously ill重病患者

levels of skills in treating the seriously ill治疗重病患者的技术水平

the terminally ill晚期病人;临终病人

She became a nun and cared for the terminally ill.她成了修女, 照料患有绝症的病人。





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