

单词 if I could…
1.(indicating past ability)可以;能;会

In those days you could get a job easily.在那个年代人们可以轻松地找到工作。

I couldn't sleep because of the noise.噪声让我无法入睡。

They couldn't understand a word.他们一个字也听不懂。

2.(might at times)可能会;有时会

He could be very pleasant when he wanted to be.他想要友好的时候会非常友好。

3.could have done sth
(indicating what did not happen)本可以

He could have made a fortune as a lawyer.他本可以当律师挣大钱的。

You could have been killed!你差点就没命了!

4.(indicating what is possible)(表示可能性)可能

You could be right.你可能是对的。

He could be in the library.他大概在图书馆。

They could have forgotten.他们可能忘记了。

She could have been delayed.她可能被耽搁了。

An improvement in living standards could be years away.可能多年之后生活水平才能得到提高。

5.(indicating what is not possible)(用于否定句, 表示某事不属实)可能

Anne couldn't be expected to understand the situation.别指望安妮能弄明白当前情势。

He couldn't have been more than fourteen years old.他不可能超过十四岁。

6.(might under certain circumstances)(表示可能性、机会或能力)可能

Their hope was that a new democracy could be born.他们的希望是新的民主国家能够诞生。

7.(in suggestions)(表示建议)可以

I could always call the local doctor.我随时可以给当地医生打电话。

It's boring to walk all alone.—Couldn't you go for walks with your friends?一个人走路很没意思。——你可以和朋友们一起去散步呀?

8.(in requests)(用于礼貌地提出请求或征得许可)能, 可以

Could I speak to you in private?我可以跟你单独谈谈吗?

He asked if he could make a phone call.他问是否可以打个电话。

9.if I could…<口,正式>(interrupting someone)(用于礼貌地打断别人或引出将要说的话)请允许我…

Now, Dave, if I could just interrupt.那么, 戴夫, 抱歉打断一下。

(interrupting someone)(用于打断别人)请允许我…

Could I stop you there?我能打断您一下吗?

(introducing a topic)(用于引入新话题)请允许我…

First of all, could I begin with an apology?首先, 请允许我表示歉意。

10.(expressing annoyance)(用以强调某人应该做所提及的事情)应该

You could at least say hello!你至少该打个招呼!

11.(emphasizing strong feelings)(强调想要做某事的强烈感情)

She could have screamed with frustration.她失望得差点儿叫出来。

12.(in conditional clauses)(用在if后以谈论没有能力或机会做但为考虑可能的结果而设想去做的事)

If I could afford it I'd have four television sets.如果我买得起, 我就想要四台电视机。

If only I could get some sleep, I would be able to cope.要是能睡上一会儿, 我就能应付了。

13.(with comparatives)(与比较级连用, 强调某人或某物具备某种特征的程度)太…, 再…不过

I couldn't be happier.我简直太开心了。

The news couldn't have come at a better time.这消息来得正是时候。

See could




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