

单词 idly
释义 idly /ˈaɪdlɪ/ adv.
1.(doing nothing)无所事事地;闲散地
to sit idly闲坐

those who sit idly by while you slave over a hot stove当你在灼热的炉子前挥汗忙碌时那些闲坐一旁的人

to stand idly by袖手旁观

He said that he would not stand idly by while the dangers increased.他说他不会在危险加剧的时候袖手旁观。

2.(with no particular purpose)漫无目的地

'Has there been an accident?' Gary asked, idly curious.“发生事故了吗?”加里好奇而漫不经心地问道。

to glance idly at sth漫无目的地扫视某物
to talk idly about sth漫无目的地谈论某事物

We talked idly about magazines and baseball.我们漫无目的地闲聊着杂志和棒球。





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