

单词 idea
释义 idea /aɪˈdɪə/ n.

I had a brilliant idea.我有一个绝妙的主意。

an idea about sb/sth关于…的看法

People had some odd ideas about us.人们对我们有过一些奇怪的看法。

good idea!好主意!
what a good idea!多好的主意啊!

The very idea appals me.一想到这个我就惊恐万分。

the idea of doing sth做某事的想法

I really like the idea of helping people.我非常喜欢帮助别人这个想法。

to have a good idea of sth非常了解某事物

He has a very good idea of how it functions.他非常了解它的工作原理。

to have a clear idea of sth清楚了解某事物

By the end of the week you will have a clear idea of what changes you should make to your diet.到周末你就会清楚地知道应该怎样调整自己的饮食了。


The idea of a square circle is self-contradictory.正方形的圆这个概念自相矛盾。

the idea that…的概念

a theory which supports the idea that there are many other solar systems支撑存在多个太阳系这一观点的一种理论

to get the idea明白

You're beginning to get the idea.你开始明白了。

5.(conception)(个人的)理解, 看法

His idea of honesty is not the same as yours and mine.他对诚实的理解与你我不同。

Some of his ideas about democracy are entirely his own.他对民主的理解有些完全是他自己的看法。

that's not my idea of fun那不是我对乐趣的看法

Having to commute for two hours a day is not my idea of fun.每天不得不花上两个小时来回上下班, 我可不觉得这有什么乐趣。

my idea of perfection我对完美的看法

My idea of physical perfection is to be very slender.我对完美身材的看法是要非常苗条。


He has the idea that what he's doing is right.他认定他正在做的事是正确的。


Here's my idea for the sales campaign.这是我对这次促销活动的计划。

He sent for a number of books he admired with the idea of re-reading them.他请人送来很多他喜欢的书, 打算重新再读一遍。

Usage Note
一般认为, have the idea of doing something这种用法是正确的,而 have the idea to do something不正确,例如: he had the idea of taking(不能用to take short holiday(他有休个短假的计划)

He had no idea of what life would be like in Africa.他对在非洲生活会是什么样子一无所知。

to have an idea that大致了解…

I had an idea that he joined the army later.我约莫知道他后来参军了。

to give sb an idea of sth让某人略知某事

Could you give us an idea of the range of complaints you've been receiving?你能大致和我们说一下接到投诉的范围吗?

not to have the slightest ideaornot to have the faintest idea毫无所知

We haven't the faintest idea where he is.我们根本不知道他在哪里。

you have no idea你难以想象

We are both so happy, you have no idea.我们俩都非常幸福, 你想都想不到。

You have no idea how depressed it made me.你不知道这让我有多沮丧。


The idea of the game is to discover the murderer.这个游戏的目的是找出杀人犯。

the idea is to do sth用意是做某事

The idea is to try and avoid further expense.其用意是设法避免更多的开支。

10.【哲】(object of thought or perception)观念
11.【哲】(in Plato's philosophy)理念
13.<废>(mental image)心象
14.get ideas抱有想法;想入非非

If this keeps up, Ben's going to start to get ideas.如果这种情况继续下去的话, 本很快就会开始想入非非了。

15.it's a good idea to do sth做某事是个好主意

It's a good idea to avoid refined food.不吃精制的食物是个好主意。

16.that's an idea好主意

Why don't we all go?—That's an idea.我们干吗不一起去呢?——好啊!





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