

单词 hunt
释义 hunt¹ /hʌnt/ n.
1.(act of hunting animal)打猎;狩猎

He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia.他动身前往新斯科舍开始历时19天的猎捕驼鹿活动。


The couple had helped in the hunt for the toddlers.这对夫妇曾帮助搜寻那些幼童。

her long hunt for the original recipe她对原始配方的长期寻找

(for missing person)对某人的搜寻

the hunt for the missing child对失踪儿童的搜寻

(for criminal, enemy)对某人的搜捕

Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnap gang, not a trace of them was found.尽管已经在全国范围内追捕该绑架团伙, 却没有发现他们的任何蛛丝马迹。

in the hunt<非正式>有机会胜出

That result keeps us in the hunt.那样的结果使我们仍有取胜的机会。

We're still in the hunt for the League title.我们依然有机会获得联赛冠军。

hunt² /hʌnt/
🄰 vt.
1.(seek and kill animal)person, animal +猎杀;猎取

People used to hunt wild boar.人们过去猎杀野猪。

Here, prides of lions hunted antelope.就在这里, 狮群猎捕了羚羊。

2.(look for)+ criminal, enemy搜捕;追捕

The police spend a lot of time hunting drug smugglers.警方花大量的时间抓捕毒品走私犯。

Detectives have been hunting him for seven months.侦探们7个月以来一直在追捕他。

3.【猎】+ hounds, horses用…追猎

He hunted a pack of hounds.他用一群猎犬捕猎。

4.【猎】+ country在…打猎

He hunted the parkland.他在稀树草原打猎。


The travellers were hunted by the pests.旅客遭受害虫的袭扰。

🄱 vi.
1.to hunt for sth/sb
(search for)搜寻…;搜索…

Detectives are hunting for clues.侦探们正在搜寻线索。

Some new arrivals lose hope even before they start hunting for a job.一些新来的人还没开始找工作就失去了希望。

Police hunted for the gang's notorious leader.警方搜捕这个团伙臭名昭著的头目。

Rescue workers hunted for survivors.救援人员搜寻幸存者。

2.【猎】person +打猎;animal +捕猎

As a child I learned to hunt and fish.我在小时候学习了打猎和捕鱼。

A leopard hunts alone.豹子独自捕猎。

3.gauge indicator, engine speed +摆动;振荡
4.aircraft, rocket +(在航道上左右)摆动, 振荡
Phrasal Verbshunt down,hunt out,hunt up




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