

单词 hour
释义 hour /aʊə/ n.
1.缩写为h.、H.或hr(sixty minutes)小时;钟头

How many hours will it take?需要花几个小时?

It takes three hours.需要三个小时。

They slept for two hours.他们睡了两个小时。

She was driving at 30 miles an hour.她以每小时30英里的时速驱车前行。

at 60 kilometres per hour以每小时60公里的速度

two and a half hours两个半小时

a quarter of an hour一刻钟
half an hour半小时

I only slept about half an hour that night.那天晚上我仅睡了大约半个小时。

to pay sb by the hour按小时给某人付酬

I paid him by the hour.我按小时给他付工资。

2.<文>(particular time)特殊的时刻;特定的时刻

The hour of his execution was approaching.他被处决的时刻就要到来了。

The gathering storm had made the day even darker than was usual at this hour.密布的阴云使天空比往常这个时候更加阴暗了。

the darkest hour of my professional life我职业生活中最黑暗的时刻

the hours of daylight白昼
the hours of darkness黑夜
sb's hour of need某人困难的时刻

He recalled her devotion to her husband during his hour of need.他忆起了她在她丈夫困难时刻对他所付出的一切。

3.(on clock)(钟表表盘的)时刻, 钟点
4.the hour
(exact number of complete hours)整点

Off in the distance, a clock struck the hour.远处传来了整点敲钟的声音。

past the hour过了整点

It's five minutes past the hour.整点过五分。

before the hour整点前

It's five minutes before the hour.差五分钟整点。

on the hour准点地;按照整点钟地

The bus leaves on the hour.公共汽车整点发车。

5.(time of day)(钟表上等的)时刻, 钟点

Do you know the hour?你知道几点了吗?

Do you know at what hour he went out?你知道他几点出去的吗?

6.(period of time used for something)一段时间;固定时间
the lunch hour午餐时间

the hour of prayer祷告时间

7.(special moment)某一时刻;特殊时刻

That was our finest hour.那是我们最辉煌的时刻。


We live an hour from the city.我们住的地方离城有一个小时的路程。

9.of the hour
(most important, most popular)当前最重要(或流行)的

the man of the hour风云人物

the hero of the hour当今英雄

the issues of the hour时事

your hour
(time of success)成功时刻

This is his hour.这是属于他的时刻。

(time of death)最后时刻

His hour had come.他快不行了。

hour after hour一小时又一小时地;连续地

He and my mom argued every night, hour after hour.他和我母亲每天晚上都会吵上几个小时。

The staff let her sit for hour after hour beside the window in the day room.工作人员让她一直坐在休息室的窗边。

your last hour
to take your hour<爱尔兰,非正式>不要着急;慢慢来




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