

单词 hoot
释义 hoot¹ /huːt/
🄰 vi.
1.<英>driver +鸣笛;按喇叭;car, siren +鸣响

I can be very rude to motorists who hoot at me.对那些朝我按喇叭的司机我会很不客气。

I stopped outside the station and hooted a couple of times.我把车停在火车站外面, 按了几下喇叭。

Cars hooted noisily as they passed our house.车辆大声鸣着喇叭驶过我们的房子。


The protesters chanted, blew whistles and hooted at the name of Governor Pete Wilson.抗议者喊着口号、吹着哨子, 并大声尖叫着皮特•威尔逊州长的名字。

to hoot with laughter高声大笑

Bev hooted with laughter.贝夫高声大笑。

3.owl +发出鸣叫声

Out in the garden an owl hooted suddenly.外面花园里突然有一只猫头鹰呜呜地叫起来。

🄱 vt.
1.to hoot your horn<英>driver +鸣笛

I never hoot my horn when I pick a girl up for a date.我开车接女孩出去约会时从不按喇叭。

3.(send away)叫喊着轰赶(台上的演讲者、演员等)下台
hoot² /huːt/ n.

His confession was greeted with derisive hoots.他的坦白引起了人们嘲讽的嘘叫。

hoots of laughter放声大笑

This time she burst into hoots of laughter.这次她大笑起来。

to give a hoot of laughter嘲弄地笑了一声

At this she gave a hoot of laughter.她对此嗤笑了一声。

2.+of horn, siren鸣响声

I heard a hoot and saw Martin driving by.我听见一声喇叭声, 然后看见马丁开车驶过。

3.+of owl哀鸣声

He heard the hoot of an owl coming from the direction of the wood.他听见从树林方向传来猫头鹰的哀鸣声。


Michael Fish is my favourite. He's a hoot, a real character.我最喜欢迈克尔•菲什。他滑稽逗趣, 是个实实在在的人物。

5.not to give a hootornot to care two hoots<非正式>满不在乎;根本不在意

I don't give a hoot about it.我一点都不在乎这一点。

He doesn't care two hoots about Irish politics.他一点也不关心爱尔兰的政治。

hoot³ /huːt/ interj.




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