

单词 hit
释义 hit¹ /hɪt/ vt.(hits,hitting,hit)

My parents never hit me.我父母从来没有打过我。

I thought he might hit me.我以为他会打我。

2.(collide with)car ++ wall, obstacle撞击;碰撞到

The truck had hit a wall.卡车撞上了一面墙。

She hit her head when she fell.她跌倒时碰到了头。

3.(reach)+ target命中;击中

a missile that could hit its target with deadly accuracy能够极其精准地击中目标的导弹

The arrow hit the target.这支箭射中了目标。


She fell and hit her head on the kerb.她倒了下来, 头重重地撞到了路缘。

5.(cause movement)击打推进;击打移动
6.(in sport)击出…得分
7.(affect)problem, crisis +使受严重影响;对…造成不利影响

The industry has been hit by the recession.工业受到了经济衰退的影响。

The price rises will hit pensioners the hardest.价格上涨对领取退休金的人影响将最为严重。

The plan to charge motorists £75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard.每年向开车跑高速的人征收75英镑的方案将对我造成严重的影响。

8.(occur to)idea, answer, solution ++ person使突然意识到

Then the answer hit me.然后我突然就想到了答案。

It hit me that I had a choice.我突然意识到我是有选择的。


He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life.他承认已经到了他人生的最低谷。

Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.昨天石油价格达到了新高。

10.(come across)+ problem, snag遇到;遭遇

The project has hit a problem.这个项目遇到了问题。

to hit your fancy迎合你的爱好
14.(appear in)到达;在…出现
17.to be hard hit by sth
(badly affected)受到沉重打击

Consumers will be hard hit by the rise in prices.消费者将会受到价格上涨的严重影响。

18.to be hit by lightning
person, building +被闪电击中

The chances of getting hit by lightning are pretty low.被闪电击中的可能性非常低。

19.to hit the ground running
(take action)迅速开始;迅速采取行动

Employers want graduate recruits who can hit the ground running.雇主想要能够立刻入职的毕业生。

20.to hit the headlines/news/ front pages
story +成为头条新闻/新闻/头版新闻

The story hit the front pages of newspapers across America.这则报道在美国成了头条新闻。

She hit the news when she bit a reporter.她咬了记者, 上了新闻。

21.hit it!【音】<俚>(play)开始演奏!

'Hit it, Jack!'“开始演奏, 杰克!”

22.to hit it off<非正式>(get on)相处得好;合得来

They hit it off straight away, Daddy and Walter.爸爸和沃尔特一见如故。

How well did you hit it off with one another?你们相互之间相处得怎么样?

23.to hit the road

'Better hit the road,' he said.“我们最好上路吧。”他说。

See alsohome¹ jackpot
24.to hit the sackorto hit the hay<俚>(go to bed)去睡觉;上床睡觉

'Well,' she yawned, 'I think I'm going to hit the hay.'“好啦, ”她打了个哈欠, “我想我要去睡觉了。”

25.to hit skins<美,俚>(have sex)发生性行为;性交
26.to make a hit withorto score a hit with<非正式>给…留下良好的印象
27.not to know what has hit you
(be surprised)完全出乎意料

She didn't know what had hit her.完全出乎她的意料。

Phrasal Verbshit back,hit on,hit out,hit out at,hit upon
hit² /hɪt/ n.

He gave me a hit on the head.他打了一下我的脑袋。

First a house took a direct hit and then the rocket exploded.先是一座房子被直接命中, 接着火箭弹就爆炸了。

4.(successful song, film, etc)受到广泛欢迎的人(或事物)

The song became a massive hit in 1945.这首歌在1945年轰动一时。

the band's latest hit这个乐队最新的流行歌曲

8.(website visit)(网站的)一次访问

Our small company has had 78,000 hits on its Internet pages.我们这家小公司的网页已经有78,000次的点击量了。

9.to be a hit with sb
person, product, idea +受某人欢迎;受某人喜欢

Tim Jeffries seems to be a hit with the girls.蒂姆•杰弗里斯好像很受女孩们的喜欢。

a tasty meal that's guaranteed to be a hit with all the family保证受每个家庭成员欢迎的一顿美餐

10.make a hit<非正式>(impress)受欢迎;博得好评;留下好印象

He made a hit with Lady Sopwith.他给索普威思夫人留下了极好的印象。

She sends her best wishes – you've obviously made a hit there.她发出了最良好的祝愿——很明显你在那里是很受欢迎的。

hit³ /hɪt/ comp.
1.(successful)+ movie, album, show, musical受到广泛欢迎的

He directed Barbra Streisand's first hit show.他执导了芭芭拉•史翠珊的第一部热映电影。

the hit musical Chicago热映音乐剧《芝加哥》

a hit mob一群杀人暴徒




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