

单词 hiss
释义 hiss¹ /hɪs/ n.
1.+of snake, steam, hot fat咝咝声

the hiss of water running into the burnt pan水倒入烧干的锅中时发出的咝咝声

The soft hiss of roasting meat could be heard clearly.可以清楚地听到烤肉时发出的轻微的咝咝声。

2.(disapproving, menacing)(表示嘲笑、威胁等的)嘘声

After a moment the barracking began. First came hisses, then shouts.过了一会儿, 倒彩声开始响起。开始是嘘声, 接着就是大喊。

Her voice was a menacing hiss.她语带威胁。

3.【电子】(receiver noise)啸声
hiss² /hɪs/ interj.
hiss³ /hɪs/ vi.
1.snake, steam, cat, hot fat +发出咝咝声

The locomotive stood immobile, steam hissing out of its vents.火车头停在那儿一动不动, 蒸汽从排气管中咝咝地冒出来。

Droplets of fat hissed in the flames.一滴滴动物油在火中发出咝咝的响声。

2.(whisper angrily)person +低声呵斥

'Stay here,' I hissed at her.“待在这儿别动。”我对她低声呵斥。

'Be quiet!' she hissed.“安静!”她低声呵斥。

3.(in disapproval)person, audience +发嘘声(表示嘲笑或愤怒)

One had to listen hard to catch the words of the President's speech as the delegates booed and hissed.因为代表们发出嘘声、哄闹声, 所以人们必须仔细地听才能听到总统的讲话。

Some local residents whistled and hissed at them as they entered.当他们走进来时, 一些当地居民吹口哨、发嘘声。





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