

单词 herd
释义 herd¹ /hɜːd/ n.
1.+of cows, sheep, wild animals, swine

dairy herds奶牛群

Herds of reindeer migrated across the plain that was later to form the North Sea.驯鹿群在日后形成北海的平原上迁徙。

2.+of people一大群

I seized her arm and steered her through the herd of revellers in the hallway.我抓住她的胳膊, 拉着她穿过在走廊上纵酒狂欢的人群。

3.(most people)民众;芸芸众生

Many people feel more comfortable following the herd.许多人觉得随大溜会过得更舒服。

herd² /hɜːd/ vt.
1.(drive)+ animals使聚集在一起;把…赶在一起
men herding cattle赶牛的人
2.+ people使成群;使聚拢

We were herded onto a bus.我们被赶上了一辆大巴。

to be herded into a place被集体驱赶至某地

We were treated like cattle, herded into this pit in the freezing cold.我们在大冷天被人像赶牛一样赶进了这个又脏又乱的屋子。

Phrasal Verbherd together




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