

单词 her
释义 her¹ /重读hɜː;非重读hə/ pron.
1.(referring to a female person or animal)(用于指女性或雌性动物, 可作直接宾语、间接宾语或介词宾语)她, 它

I can see her.我能看见她。

I'll ring her back later.我稍后会给她回电话。

I'm going with her.我将和她一起去。

He sat next to her.他坐在她旁边。

I'm older than her.我比她大。

I gave her a book.我给了她一本书。

I told her the truth.我把实情告诉了她。

Tell her that I'll be late.告诉她我会晚点到。

2.(after verb 'to be')(用于指女性或雌性动物, 用于to be之后, 或可单独成句)她, 它

It's her!是她!

'Oh no, it's not her again,' said Peter.“哦不, 不要又是她。”彼得说。

It's her I want to work with, not Julie.我是想跟她一起工作, 不是跟朱莉。

Which one's his girlfriend?—Her. The blonde woman.哪个是他女朋友?——她。那个金发女人。

3.(referring to things personified as female)(用于指被比拟成女性的事物, 传统上指船和国家)她

Kemp got out of his car. 'Just fill her up, thanks.'肯普下了车, 说道:“加满油, 谢谢。”

Bless this ship and all who sail in her.上帝保佑这艘船和船上所有人。


She needs to get her a better job.她得给自己找份更好的工作。

her² /重读hɜː;非重读hə/ determiner
1.(relating to a female person or animal)她的;它的
her father/mother她父亲/母亲

Her parents knew me well.她父母很了解我。

He's her friend, not mine.他是她的朋友, 不是我的朋友。

She's going to wash her hair.她要洗头。

Her smoking annoys me.她抽烟令我很反感。

2.(referring to things personified as female)(用于指被比拟为女性的事物, 惯指船只和国家)她的

Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner英国对其欧盟伙伴根深蒂固的不信任

This photograph was taken from Carpathia's deck by one of her passengers.这张照片是一位乘客在卡帕西亚号的甲板上拍摄的。





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