

单词 help
释义 help¹ /help/ n.

Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

to need help需要帮助

Always ask the pharmacist if you need help.如需帮助, 随时询问药剂师。

She needs help to get up the stairs.她上楼梯需要帮助。

He needs help with getting dressed.他穿衣服需要帮助。

(in physical emergency)(因身体原因)大声求救

She wants to cry for help but her lungs don’t seem to be working.她想大声求救, 但她的肺好像出问题了。

(in psychological distress)(因精神压力)大声求助

People who harm themselves are often crying out for help.那些伤害自己的人经常会大声呼救。

(in physical emergency)(因身体原因)呼救

A resident of the flats heard her cries for help and called the police.公寓里的一位住户听见了她的呼救报警了。

(in psychological distress)(因精神压力)呼救

O'Connor revealed that her poem was 'a cry for help'.奥康纳透露她的诗是一种‘求助’。

with sb's help在某人的帮助下

Eventually, with John's help, I managed to get the aerial up.最后, 在约翰的帮助下, 我把天线支了起来。

with the help of sth借助某物

With the help of a screwdriver, he managed to open the door.他借助螺丝刀打开了门。

2.(person/thing that helps)有帮助的人(或物)

a quality which will be a help rather than a hindrance to them一种对他们有帮助而不是妨碍的品质

to be of help to sb对某人有帮助

This book might be of help to you.这本书可能会对你有帮助。

to be a great help是极大的帮助

Thanks, you've been a great help.谢谢, 你真是帮了大忙。

not much help几乎没有帮助

The book wasn't much help.这本书没起什么作用。

3.(medical, professional)专业帮助, 援助

Your sister needs professional help and support.你妹妹需要专业人士的帮助和支持。

to seek help寻求帮助

People with mental health problems feel unable to seek help.患有精神疾病的人觉得无力寻求帮助。


We don't have any domestic help at the moment.目前我们家没有雇用人。


If you get stuck, click on Help.遇到问题时, 点击“帮助”。

help² /help/
🄰 vt.
1.(assist)+ person帮助

His car wouldn't start, so I helped him.他的汽车无法启动, 我帮助了他。

Can you help me?你能帮我吗?

to help sb to do sthorto help sb do sth帮助某人做某事

I helped him to fix his car.我帮他修了汽车。

+ problem, task帮助某人处理某事物

He tries to help people with problems, but firmly believes they should do more to help themselves.他有会尽力帮助问题的人, 但是坚信他们应当尽量自助。

to be able to help yourself能自助
2.to help sb somewhereorto help sb (to) do sth
(help sb move)帮助某人去某地;帮着某人做某事

Martin helped Tanya over the rail.马丁搀扶着坦尼娅跨过铁轨。

I helped her to her feet.我扶她站起来。

She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby.她扶她在床上坐起来, 让她能够抱起孩子。

to help sb across the road帮某人过马路

Their business would be helped by Internet integration.因特网一体化会让他们的生意有所好转。

The new law does little to help the environment.新的法律对改善环境没什么用。

4.(in shop)为(顾客)服务
can I help you?需要我为你效劳吗?

Can I help you?—No thanks, I'm just looking.有什么需要帮忙的吗?--没有, 谢谢, 我只是随便看看。

5.to help sb to sth

Can I help you to another piece of cake?再吃一块蛋糕好吗?

6.(indicating sth cannot be avoided)忍不住;不能避免

It can't be helped.这无法避免。

I couldn't help myself(not be able to stop yourself)我无法控制自己

It was not a time for laughter but I could not help myself.这不是笑的时候, 可是我情不自禁。

We started kissing again. I couldn't help myself.我们又开始接吻了。我无法抑制自己。

can't help sth禁不住…

Please don't cry.—I can't help it.求你别哭了。——我忍不住。

can't help doing sth禁不住做某事

I can't help feeling sorry for him.我不由得为他感到遗憾。

🄱 vi.
1.(assist)person +帮忙

I was only trying to help.我只是试图帮忙。

to help by doing sth通过做某事帮助

You can help by giving a donation.你可以通过捐款来提供帮助。

to help do sth帮助做某事

My mum used to help cook the meals for the children.妈妈过去常常帮着给孩子们做饭。

2.(make things easier)改善形势;扭转局面

The right style of swimsuit can help by hiding bulges.款式合适的泳衣可以帮助遮盖赘肉。

3.help yourself自便

Do you mind if I borrow your pen?—Help yourself.你介意我借用一下你的钢笔吗?——自己拿。

to help yourself to sth自己取某物

Help yourself to more wine.多喝点酒。

Just help yourself to leaflets.传单请自取。

4.to help yourself to sth<非正式>偷某物

He helped himself to my wallet.他偷了我的钱包。

5.so help me
(on my honour)我发誓

So help me, that's the truth.我发誓, 这是真的。

(no matter what)无论如何;不管怎样

So help me, I'll get revenge.不管怎样, 我要报仇。

Phrasal Verbshelp along,help off with,help on with,help out,help up
help³ /help/ interj.

Help! Help! I think I've broken my leg!救命啊!救命啊!我腿断了!





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