

单词 height
释义 height /haɪt/缩写为h.、H.、hgt或ht n.
1.(vertical measurement)高度;身高

Her weight is about normal for her height.按照她的身高来说, 她的体重基本正常。

I am 5 feet and 6 inches in height.我身高5英尺6英寸。

The wave here has a length of 250 feet and a height of 10 feet.这儿的浪宽250英尺、高10英尺。

a garden containing all sorts of trees and shrubs of varying heights and shades种着高低不一、色调不同的各种树和灌木的花园

What height are you?你的身高是多少?

of average height平均身高
of medium height中等身高
2.(relative tallness or high level)高;高度

The tower impresses by its sheer height.这座塔高耸入云, 令人印象深刻。

The height of the ceiling gives the room an airy feel.这个天花板的高度让这个房间很敞亮。

3.(above the ground)(距离地面的)高度;海拔

a test in which a 6.3 kilogram weight was dropped from a height of 1 metre让6.3千克的重物从1米高的地方落下的试验

The chains were at different heights on the wall.挂在墙上的链子高低不齐。

From a height, the area looks like a desert.从高处看, 这个地方就像一片沙漠。

from a great height从很高处

thrown out of a window from a great height从很高处的一个窗户扔下

at knee height齐膝高
at waist height齐腰高
at shoulder height齐肩高
4.【航空】(of plane)高度;海拔

the height at which the plane was travelling飞机飞行的高度

At the speed and height at which he was moving, he was never more than half a second from disaster.他以这样的速度和高度运动, 灾难始终寸步不离。

to lose height下降

The plane began to lose height on its approach to Heathrow.当接近希思罗机场时, 飞机开始下降。

to gain height爬升

The plane took off and began to gain height.飞机起飞后开始爬升。


He died when he was at the height of his career.他在事业达到顶峰时去世了。

He is a writer at the height of his powers.身为作家, 他正值事业的巅峰时刻。

at the height of the summer在盛夏时节
(at time of greatest success)在巅峰时期

At its height, the company employed 12,000 people.这个公司最兴盛时雇员人数达到1.2万人。

(at most extreme point)在最极端时刻

a chronic addiction to nicotine that at its height saw her smoking 60 cigarettes a day她长期吸烟, 烟瘾最大的时候每天可以抽60支

to be at its height在最高峰

During the early sixth century emigration from Britain to Brittany was at its height.6世纪初, 从不列颠涌向布列塔尼的移民潮达到了高峰。

6.(period of greatest activity)高潮;旺季

We're approaching the height of the tourist season.我们马上就要到旅游旺季了。

At the height of the summer season there can be up to 42,000 people in Benidorm.在夏季高峰期, 贝尼多姆的人数可以达到42,000人。

7.the height of sth

It's the height of fashion.这是最时尚的。

It's the height of bad manners.这是最不礼貌的。

It's the height of stupidity.这真是愚蠢至极。

8.【天文】(angular distance above horizon)(天体的)高度, 地平纬度




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