单词 | heat |
释义 | heat¹ 1.符号为Q(warmth)热;热量 the fierce heat of the sun阳光的酷热 the heat from the oven烤炉的灼热 Water retains heat much longer than air.水保温的时间比空气长得多。 Metal loses heat quite quickly.金属散热很快。 2.(hot weather)炎热的天气;酷暑;高温 People fled indoors from the heat.人们逃到室内躲避炎热的天气。 As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with heat and humidity.身为一个哮喘患者, 他无法应对炎热与潮湿。 I find the summer heat unbearable.我觉得夏天酷热难耐。 in the heat of the day在一天中最热的时段 The town square's empty in the heat of the day.在一天中最热的时段, 市镇广场上空无一人。 3.+of cooker, hotplate温度;热度 You need to increase the heat of the barbecue.你需要把烤架的温度调高一些。 The heat of the burners is instantly adjustable.火炉的热度可以即时调节。 Remove the pan from the heat.把平底锅从炉火上端走。 on a medium heat用中火 4.<非正式>(heating)暖气 I turned the heat back on again during that spell of cold weather.寒潮来袭期间, 我把暖气重新打开了。 We had the heat on in July, can you believe it?我们七月里还开了暖气, 你信吗? Some apartment buildings don't have their heat turned on till the end of this week.有些公寓大楼直到本周末才会开始供暖。 5.(spiciness)辛辣;辣度 Dan is a good judge of the heat of a curry.丹对评判咖喱辣度很在行。 6.(intense feeling)强烈的感情;激情;愤怒 It was debated with some heat and not a little passion.辩论进行得有些激烈, 也充满激情。 She was trying to take some of the heat out of the argument.她试图让争论的火药味缓和一些。 I merely enquired, without heat, whether she would be ready any time soon.我只是心平气和地问了一下她能否很快准备好。 7.the heat of sth (most intense part)…最紧张激烈的时刻 All that was forgotten in the heat of battle.激战正酣时, 所有这些都被忘得一干二净了。 in the heat of the election campaign在竞选的白热化阶段 8.【体】(preliminary round)预赛 the second heat of the men's 100m breaststroke男子100米蛙泳第二轮预赛 Winners of the regional heats go through to the national finals.地区预赛的胜者进入全国决赛。 9.【动】(雌性哺乳动物的)发情 on heat<英>in heat<美>在发情 10.the heat<非正式>(mental pressure)精神压力 With only three hours left to complete the task, the heat was definitely on us.离完成这项任务的期限只有三个小时了, 我们身上的压力当然很大。 We were feeling the heat as the deadline approached.随着最后期限的临近, 我们渐渐感受到压力。 You have to be able to take the heat in a responsible job like that.你必须能够承受这种责任重大的工作所带来的压力。 Dan can't take the heat.丹无法承受这种压力。 11.the heat (police activity)追捕;侦查 The gang members had been told to wait until the heat was off before spending any of the stolen money.团伙成员被告知等警方的侦查工作结束后才能花偷来的钱。 12.<美,非正式>(criticism)批评 You get a little heat from the boss, but that goes with the territory.老板批评了你, 但这也是难免的事。 13.the heat<美,俚>(police)警方 idiom heat² ◆if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen怕热就别待在厨房里(用于回应某人对某件事压力太大的抱怨) ◆in the heat of the moment情急之下 It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.那是一时情急做的事, 现在我真的吸取教训了。 In the heat of the moment, I may have said things that I did not really mean.情急之下我可能说了些不是我本意的话。 ◆turn up the heatorturn on the heat<非正式>加紧;穷追不舍 They turned up the heat in the second half mounting attack after attack on the City goal.他们在下半场加强了攻势, 向城市队的球门发起了一波又一波进攻。 This is the point where the interrogators really turn on the heat.讯问者穷追猛打的正是这一点。 🄰 vt. 1.+ room, house, water使变热;使变暖 We can't afford to heat the house in winter.冬天, 我们没有钱给房子烧暖气。 a gas that absorbs the sun's energy and heats the air above it一种吸收太阳能量并把上方空气加热的气体 2.(on stove etc)加热(以食用) Heat gently for 5 minutes.文火加热5分钟。 Heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan.把西红柿和油放在平底锅里加热。 3.(make intense)使激动;刺激 These antagonisms tend to heat the atmosphere in the debating chamber.这些对立情绪会使辩论室里的气氛更加紧张。 🄱 vi. 变热;变暖 Metal expands as it heats.金属受热会膨胀。 Phrasal Verbheat up |
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