

单词 heart
释义 heart¹ /hɑːt/ n.

I could feel the beating of his heart.我能感觉到他心脏的跳动。

The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea's heart.子弹从距安德烈亚的心脏不到一英寸的地方穿过。

to have a weak heart心脏不好
to put your hand on heartorto put your hand on your heart把手放在胸前, 拍着胸脯(表示所说的话诚恳可信)

I can put my hand on heart and say I am not exaggerating.我可以拍着胸脯说我没有夸大其词。


She always followed her heart, never her head.她行事总是听从自己的内心, 从不遵从理智。

His words filled her heart with pride.他的话让她内心充满骄傲。

She's got a good heart.她心地善良。

to have a soft heart心肠软

He's got a very soft heart, hasn't he?他心肠很软, 是吧?

to have a hard heart有一副铁石心肠

He must have a very hard heart to refuse such a plea.他拒绝这样的恳求, 一定是铁石心肠。

affairs of the heart恋爱;爱情

Robin had had many girlfriends and this made the other boys think he must be something of an expert in affairs of the heart.罗宾有过很多女朋友, 这使得其他男孩认为他在恋爱方面一定多少是个专家了。


This cause is very dear to my heart.这项事业在我心中占有重要位置。

3.(mood, spirits)心情;情绪;心境
to be in good heart兴高采烈;情绪高昂

We are in good heart and preparing to embark on the next stage of our quest.我们情绪高昂, 准备开始下一阶段的探索。

After a good night's sleep, they were all in better heart the next morning.美美地睡了一夜之后, 第二天早上他们的精神状态都好些了。

to put your heart and soul into sth把全部心血用在…上

The lad put his heart and soul into that piece of work, and it hurt him terribly when it was rejected.那个小伙子在这件作品上倾注了全部心血, 所以作品被拒绝时他感到很伤心。

They put their heart and soul into raising money for the new charity.他们一心一意地为新的慈善组织募捐。


All the heart went out of them and they gave up the fight.他们失去了所有的勇气, 放弃了战斗。

to give sb heart给某人勇气

The victory in Costesti has given them heart.在科斯泰什蒂获得的胜利给了他们勇气。


He has no heart, that man.那个男人, 他没有怜悯之心。

you're all heart<常讽>你太善良了;你心肠太好了

So you let the guy have unpaid leave to go to his mother's funeral? You're all heart, Belinda!所以那个男人去参加母亲的葬礼你竟然算他无薪休假?你可真善良啊, 贝琳达!


a village in the heart of rural France法国乡村腹地的村庄

the heart of London伦敦的中心

The heart of the problem is supply and demand.问题的核心是供求关系。

the heart of the matter某事的核心;某事的焦点

I think we may at last be getting to the heart of the matter.我想我们可能终于要触及问题的核心了。

to be at the heart of the debate是争论的焦点

Money lies at the heart of the debate over airline safety.相比航空安全, 钱才是争论的焦点问题。


These sweets were in the shapes of hearts.这些糖是心形的。

a tie decorated with red and purple hearts有红色和紫色心形图案的领带

9.(of vegetable)(卷心菜等蔬菜的)心

Italian artichoke hearts preserved in olive oil用橄榄油煨制的意大利洋蓟心

10.(of tree)(树木的)心材
11.(as term of address)甜心;宝贝
dear heart<过时,幽默>亲爱的宝贝

Now, dear heart, tell me all about it.现在, 亲爱的宝贝, 跟我说说事情的全部经过吧。

12.(on playing card)(扑克牌上的)红桃, 红心

West had to decide whether to play a heart.韦斯特得决定是否要打一张红桃。

to be in good heart(土地)肥沃

Julia relies on organic methods to keep the soil in good heart.朱利亚用有机方法保持土壤肥沃。

15.after your own heart符合自己的心意;称心如意

They had thought long and hard and finally come up with an idea after Janice's own heart.他们左思右想, 绞尽脑汁, 终于想出了一个符合贾尼丝心意的主意。

He's a man after my own heart.他是我的如意郎君。

16.to be sth at heart本质上是…

He was a very gentle boy at heart.他本质上是个非常文雅的孩子。

He was at heart a kindly and reasonable man.他本质上是个心地善良、通情达理的人。

17.to be sth close to your heartorto be sth near your heart是非常重要的问题;是非常关心的问题

Animal welfare is a subject very close to my heart.动物福利是我非常关心的一个问题。

18.to break sb's heart
event, sight +使某人心碎;使某人悲痛欲绝

It really breaks my heart to see them this way.看到他们这样子真是让我伤心至极。

person +做让人心碎的事

Barry had broken several hearts on his way to the age of twenty-five.巴里在25岁之前已经伤过好几个姑娘的心了。

19.broken heart心碎;绝望

They say he died of a broken heart.他们说他是绝望而死的。

20.by heart凭记忆;背下来

Mack knew this passage by heart.麦克把这一段背了下来。

to learn sth off by heart记牢…;背熟…

Josie learned the speech off by heart so that she would not have to use notes.乔茜背熟了讲话稿, 这样就用不着看笔记了。

21.to cross your heart<口>在胸口画十字, 发誓(用于表示自己说的是实话或询问他人是否在说实话)

And I won't tell any of the other girls anything you tell me, cross my heart.你告诉我的事情我一点都不会告诉其他女孩, 我发誓。

cross my heart and hope to die!我发誓, 否则不得好死!

Do you swear to keep the rules of the gang, cross your heart and hope to die?你发誓要遵守帮派的规矩、否则不得好死吗?

22.eat your heart out<口,幽默>哭去吧, 眼红去吧(用于幽默地表示某人应因同领域另一高手的出现而感到嫉妒)

Eat you heart out Barry Manilow, here comes the crooner to beat them all!眼红去吧, 巴里•马尼洛, 这位低吟歌手可比所有人都厉害!

23.from your heartorfrom the heartorfrom the bottom of your heart从心底里;发自肺腑地;由衷地

He spoke from the heart, and spoke brilliantly.他的演讲发自肺腑, 讲得很精彩。

You could see that those sentiments came from his heart.你可以看出这些情感是来自他心底的。

I don't want to go away without thanking you from the bottom of my heart.离别之际, 我要向你表达由衷的感谢。

24.to give sb heart鼓舞某人;使某人振奋

It gave me heart to see one thug get what he deserves.看到暴徒得到了应有的下场, 我很是振奋。

25.to have sth at heart将某事放在心上;十分关心某事

We had the children's welfare at heart when we took that decision.我们作这一决定时, 是把孩子们的幸福放在心上的。

26.to have a change of heart改变态度;改变心意

Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company.对于这家公司的前景, 好几个股票经纪人已经改变了态度。

27.have a heart!发发慈悲吧, 行行好吧(用于表示对方要求过分)

Have a heart! We've been working five hours without a break already!行行好吧!我们已经连续工作5个小时没有休息了!

28.to have the heart to do sthorto find it in your heart to do sth忍心做某事;有勇气做某事

I didn't have the heart to ruin their holiday.我不忍心毁了他们的假期。

Jessie couldn't find it in her heart to refuse them.杰茜不忍心拒绝他们。

29.heart and soul全心全意地

John was committed to the cause heart and soul.约翰全心全意地致力于这项事业。

30.your heart is in your boots沮丧;垂头丧气

My heart was in my boots as I waited there outside the director's office.在主任办公室外面等待时, 我沮丧透了。

31.your heart is in your mouth心提到了嗓子眼;提心吊胆

My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office.我走进她的办公室时, 心提到了嗓子眼。

32.sb's heart is in the right place某人心地还算不错

He is a bit of a tearaway but his heart is in the right place.他有些鲁莽, 但心地还算善良。

33.your heart is not in sth心思不在某事上

I tried to learn some lines but my heart wasn't really in it.我努力想背下几句台词, 但我心不在焉。

34.to your heart's content尽情地;尽兴地

I was delighted to be able to eat my favourite dishes to my heart's content.我很高兴能够尽情享用我最喜欢的菜肴。

35.in your heartorin your heart of hearts在内心深处

I just couldn't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true.我就是无法承认自己内心深处明明知道的事情。

He knows in his heart of hearts that he is not the right man for that mission.在内心深处, 他知道自己不是那个任务的合适人选。

36.to lose heart失去勇气;丧失信心

After the tenth rejection, Gwendolen started to lose heart a little.在第十次被拒绝之后, 格温德琳开始有点失去信心了。

37.to lose your heart倾心;爱上

You often find you lose your heart and gain very little in exchange.你经常会发现自己坠入爱河, 却得不到什么回报。

to lose your heart to sb倾心于某人;爱上某人

Gary, rather unwisely, lost his heart to a barmaid at the Red Lion.加里非常不明智地爱上了红狮酒吧的一个女服务员。

38.to open your heart to sb对某人敞开心扉;对某人说出心里话

She opened her heart to millions yesterday and told how she came close to suicide.昨天, 她向数百万人敞开心扉, 讲述她差点自杀的经历。

39.to set your heart on sth下决心做某事;一心想做某事

He had set his heart on a career in journalism.他下决心要从事新闻事业。

She set her heart on becoming a lawyer.她一心想成为一名律师。

40.to take heart受到鼓舞;感到振奋

The weary troops took heart and prepared to renew the fight.疲惫的队伍受到鼓舞, 准备重新开始战斗。

to take heart from sth从…中受到鼓舞

Maisie took heart from this slight show of interest on Jacob's part.梅茜从雅各布表现出的一丝兴趣中受到了鼓舞。

41.to take sth to heart太在意某事;因某事想不开

If someone says something critical I take it to heart.如果有人提出批评, 我会很在意。

42.to wear your heart on your sleeve感情外露

Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve to the extent that Joanna does is perhaps not everyone's idea of a suitable candidate for the diplomatic service.像乔安娜这么感情外露的人或许不是大家眼中外交工作的合适人选。

43.with all your heart真心实意地;全心全意地

Truly, Fiona, I love you with all my heart.真的, 菲奥娜, 我真心爱你。

your heart goes out to sb同情某人;为某人感到遗憾

My heart went out to the poor woman who was in such distress thinking she might have lost her children.那个可怜的女人为可能失去自己的孩子而忧心忡忡, 我很同情她。

heart² /hɑːt/ comp.

a heart consultant心脏健康顾问

a heart doctor心脏科医生

a heart surgeon心脏外科医生

a heart ward心脏科病房

the heart muscle心肌

heart³ /hɑːt/ vi.




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