

单词 head
释义 head¹ /hed/缩写为hd n.

She hit her head on the cupboard door.她的头撞在了柜门上。

to shake your head摇头

Use your head!用用脑子!

I can't get that song out of my head.那首歌总在我脑子里转。

in your head在脑子里;用脑子
3.(front or leading position)最前端;领头位置;头

We finally reached the head of the queue.我们终于到了队伍的最前面。

at the head of sth在…的最前面
4.(upper end)顶端;上端
the head of the stairs楼梯顶端
to sit at the head of the table坐在桌子上首
5.(top part)(钉子、锤子、木槌等的)头

The head's come off the hammer.锤子的头脱落了。

6.<尤英>(head teacher)(中小学的)校长
7.+of organization领导人;负责人;首脑

departmental heads部门负责人

European heads of government欧洲各国政府首脑

8.(on beer)啤酒泡沫
10.+of cabbage, lettuce叶球;头部;首

Cut a segment out of the cabbage head and chop it.从卷心菜叶球上切下一块, 然后剁碎。

11.【医】(of pimple, boil)(丘疹、疖的)脓头
12.(of lathe)(车床等安装切削装置的)头
13.【电子】(in computers, recording machines etc)磁头
14.【汽车】=cylinder head
15.( 复head)
(individual animal as unit)头(动物计数单位)

300 head of cattle三百头牛

16.(as measure of height)(人)头(衡量身高单位)
to be a head taller than sborto be taller by a head than sb比某人高一头
17.【赛马】(as measure of distance)一马头(衡量距离单位)
to win by a head以一马头的优势胜出
18.(division of an argument)要点;部分

I intend to deal with this question under three heads.我将要分三个要点讨论这个问题。

19.(heading)(报刊文章或段落的)标题, 题目
20.【地理】(origin)+of river, stream源头
21.+of lake湖口
22.+of valley谷口
24.(of coin)(硬币的)正面
25.【语法】(短语或从句的)中心词, 中心成分
26.【海】(front part)船首;船头
27.【海】(帆的)上角, 上缘
28.【海】(of spar or derrick)(吊杆、转臂起重机等的)顶
29.【海】(ship's lavatory)(船上的)盥洗室
30.【海】(vertical timber)(切割成型的)竖直木材
32.(草地滚木球戏中用作靶子的小白球和投出的木球共同构成的)目标区, 靶区
33.【音】(on drum)鼓面
34.(height of surface of liquid)水头;水位差
35.(pressure of water)水压
36.【矿】(in mine)巷道
to bang sb's heads togetherorto knock sb's heads together<尤英,非正式>严厉斥责某人
to bite sb's head offorto snap sb's head off痛斥某人;对某人大发脾气
to bring sth to a head使某事达到紧要关头;使某事达到关键时刻

The change in government finally brought matters to a head.政府的变动使得这些问题最终到了不得不解决的地步。

to come to a head达到紧要关头;达到关键时刻

These problems came to a head in September when five of the station's journalists were sacked.9月份, 台里的5位记者被解雇, 这些问题激化到了白热化的程度。

to do sb's head in<英,非正式>使某人生气;使某人感到挫败

He does my head in with his constant moaning.他一直在抱怨, 这让我很恼火。

from head to footorfrom head to toe浑身上下;从头到脚
to get your head round sth<英,非正式>(费力地)弄懂(或接受)某事

I have nine months or so to get my head round the idea of becoming a dad.我有大概9个月的时间来接受要当爸爸这件事情。

to get sth into your head
(become fixated on sth)接受某事;形成某种看法

Once they get an idea into their heads, they never give up.一旦他们形成了某种看法, 就不会改变。

(finally realize)(终于)使某人明白(或接受)某事

Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.经理们终于使他们醒悟, 他们再也承受不起低效的运营了。

to get sb/sth out of your head忘记, 不再想(难以忘怀的人或事物)
to give head<俚>口交
to give sb/sth their head<英>+ person任某人自由行事

He recognized ability and gave people their heads.他看重能力, 让大家放开手脚做。

+ horse(放松缰绳)任马奔跑
to go head to head(在竞争或比赛中)正面交锋

Brown and White are going head to head for the leadership of the party.布朗和怀特将为争夺党派领导人的位子正面交锋。

to go to sb's head
alcohol +使某人产生醉意;上头;praise, success +冲昏某人的头脑;使某人飘飘然
a headorper head人均

This simple chicken dish costs less than £2 a head.鸡肉简餐人均不到两镑。

head and shoulders above sb/sth大大超过某人/某事物
a head for sth…的头脑;…的才能
a head for figures算术头脑
a head for heights登高能力;不恐高的能力
to have a head for sth有…头脑;有…才能

I've no head for business.我没有生意头脑。

head over heels
(in a somersault)头朝下地

He tripped and went head over heels down the steps.他绊了一下, 头朝下摔下了楼梯。

(in love)(神魂颠倒地)爱上

He fell head over heels in love with a girl at university.他在大学里疯狂地爱上了一个女孩。

heads will roll有人将要受到惩罚(尤指失去工作)

The group's problems have led to speculation that heads will roll.这个小组遇到了麻烦, 大家在猜想有人要卷铺盖了。

to hold up your head(在困境或羞耻中)昂首挺胸, 抬起头来
in over your head(因缺钱或技能、经验不足)处于能力所不及的境地

If find yourself in over your head seek the help of a qualified counsellor.如果自己无法处理, 可向有资质的咨询师寻求帮助。

to keep your head保持镇静
to keep your head above water(尤指在经营上)勉强维持, 勉强度日
to knock sth on the head<英,非正式>阻止某事物

The finance director knocked that idea on the head straight away.财务经理直接否了那个想法。

to laugh/scream your head off狂笑/尖叫不已

Maisie saw the snake and screamed her head off.梅茜看到那条蛇, 尖叫不止。

to lose your head发昏;失去理智
to make headortail of sth<非正式>理解某事物;弄懂某事物

I had to let it sink for a few months before I could make head or tail of it.在我能弄明白这件事之前, 我只得先让它沉淀几个月。

I can't make head nor tail of it.这件事我一点都不明白。

off your head

The guy's obviously off his head if he imagines he can get away with it.那家伙要是还想着能逃脱处罚, 他肯定是疯了。

(high on drugs)(吸毒后)极度兴奋的, 产生快感的
off the top of your head不加考虑地;不加深究地

I gave that figure off the top of my head, knowing it might not be completely accurate.那个数字是我随口说出来的, 我知道可能不太精确。

on your head be itoron your own head be it后果自负

On your own head be it, if she takes this the wrong way.如果她会错了意, 你后果自负。

out of your head<非正式>酒醉的;(因吸毒而)神志不清的
over sb's head
(incomprehensible to someone)超出某人理解的

A lot of the technical stuff went completely over the audience's heads.很多技术方面的东西观众完全理解不了。

(without consulting someone)未请示…

He was reprimanded for going over the heads of senior officers.由于未请示上级长官, 他受到了责备。

(leapfrogging someone)越过…(尤指被破格升迁)

The graduate was promoted over the heads of several of his seniors.这名毕业生得以越过好几位前辈, 破格升迁。

to put your heads together集思广益;群策群力
to rear its ugly headorto raise its ugly head(不祥之事)卷土重来

The scourge of racial tyranny should never again be allowed to raise its ugly head in this land.绝不容许种族暴政再在这片土地上肆虐。

to stand on your head(用头和手)倒立
to stand sth on its headorto turn sth on its head使人彻底改变对某事的看法

Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.他们的恋情使得人们从一个全新的角度看待婚姻。

to take it into your head突发奇想;心血来潮

He suddenly took it into his head to go out to Australia to stay with his son.他突然心血来潮, 要去澳大利亚陪儿子。

to turn sb's head使某人扬扬自得;使某人心血来潮

It seems their flattering comments had turned his head and made him lose all sense of perspective.看来他们的奉承话使他飘飘然起来, 完全失去了判断力。

to turn heads成为关注的焦点;有很高的回头率

She was a looker in those days and turned heads whenever she went out.那时候, 她是个美人儿, 每次出门回头率都很高。

to win the ball against the head【英橄】(在并列争球中)抢断对方所掷的球
head² /hed/ comp.
1.(relating to the head)头的;头部的
a head wound头部伤
the head waiter领班侍者
head³ /hed/
🄰 vt.
1.(be first in)走在(队列)的最前面
2.+ list在…中名列前茅;排在…的前列

The list of most polluted cities is headed by London.伦敦排在重污染城市前列。

3.(be in charge of)+ group, organization, inquiry领导;负责

The firm is headed by John Murray.这家公司的头儿是约翰•默里。

4.(provide with a heading)给…取标题

One chapter is headed 'Beating Cancer'.其中一章标题为“战胜癌症”。

5.【足】(propel with head)+ ball用头顶

Let's try and head them towards the exit.我们试试让他们朝出口的方向走。

7.(prune at the top)修剪…的顶枝
🄱 vi.
1.(in a particular direction)出发;进发
to head for sth朝…方向走去;走向…

It's time to head for home.是时候动身回家了。

He headed for the bus stop.他朝汽车站走去。

to be headed去往;驶往;飞往

Where are you headed?你去什么地方?

to be heading for sthorto be headed for sth前往…
2.to be heading for sthorto be headed for sth
(for disaster, trouble)将要…;马上要…

The party is heading for defeat in the election.该党即将在大选中失利。

3.(form a head)plant +(甘蓝等)结球, 形成头部
4.(form a head)boil +长出脓头
5.<尤美>(rise)river, stream +起源;发源
to head them<澳>(在双硬币赌博游戏中)抛掷硬币
Phrasal Verbshead back,head off,head out,head up




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