

单词 haul
释义 haul¹ /hɔːl/ n.
1.(by police)违禁品查获数量

They have made some spectacular hauls.他们查获了数量惊人的违禁品。

The operation netted a vast haul of antiques.这一行动缴获了大量走私的古董。

2.(by thieves)非法物品;赃物

Another break-in yielded a £4,000 haul of jewellery.另外一次入室行窃的赃物是价值4,000英镑的珠宝。

3.+of fish一次捕获的量;(尤指)一网的捕鱼量

the biggest haul of quality fish ever seen in this country该国前所未有的最大一网优质鱼

a three-mile haul三英里的运输
5.(act of dragging)(费力的)拖, 拽
to be a long haul是长期而艰巨的工作;是费时费力的工作

Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul.复兴罗马尼亚的经济将会是一项长期的任务。

in the long haulorover the long haul在未来;最终;长远来看

So in the long haul, what do you expect to accomplish?那么你最终想实现什么呢?

It's illusory to think success in life in the long haul has to do with how successful you are at work alone.认为未来人生的成功只与工作的成功有关是一种错误的观念。

haul² /hɔːl/
🄰 vt.
1.(drag)(用力地)拖, 拽

They hauled the pilot clear of the wreckage.他们将飞行员从飞机的残骸中拉了出来。

A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.得用起重机才能把车从小河中拖出来。


He hauled himself out of his chair.他吃力地从椅子上站起身来。

He tried to haul her out of the bath.他试图把她从浴缸中拉出来。

3.<尤美>(transport)(用卡车等)搬运, 运输, 拖运

frozen crate-loads of frogs' legs being hauled in poachers' lorries to Paris偷猎者用卡车运送到巴黎的一箱箱冷冻蛙腿

4.【海】(change course of)改变方向;变更航线
5.【海】(for repair, storage)将(船)拖上岸维修(或停放)
🄱 vi.
1.【海】wind +自船头方向吹来
2.<罕>(change your mind)改变看法;改变行为
Phrasal Verbshaul before,haul down,haul in,haul off,haul out,haul up




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