

单词 hard
释义 hard¹ /hɑːd/符号为H adj.
1.(not soft)+ surface, object(坚)硬的;坚固的
the hard wooden floor硬木地板

The green apples were as hard as rocks.青苹果像石头一样硬。

2.+ hands粗硬的

His hands were hard and strong from years of work.长年劳作使他的双手粗硬有力。

a hard task一项艰巨的任务
4.(difficult, tough)+ question, problem困难的;难的

It's hard to tell what effect this latest move will have.很难说这一最新举动会产生什么效果。

The hard part is knowing who to trust.难就难在不知道可以信任谁。

5.+ work, day辛苦的;艰辛的

Coping with three babies is very hard work.照看三个宝宝很辛苦。

I admired him as a true scientist and hard worker.我钦佩他是个真正的科学家和辛勤的工作者。

6.(stern)+ person, expression, voice严厉的;冷酷无情的;心肠硬的

Her father was a very hard man.她父亲是个非常冷酷无情的人。

the hard look on Maggie's face玛吉脸上严厉的表情

a hard master严格的师傅
a hard fate残酷的命运
9.+ life, time痛苦的;艰难的

It had been a hard life for her.对她来说, 那是一段艰苦的生活。

Those were hard times.那些是艰难的岁月。

a hard man顽强的人
11.(violent)+ kick, punch有力的;猛烈的

He gave her a hard push.他用力推了她一把。

12.+ look冷静的;不妥协的

It might be worth taking a long hard look at your frustrations and resentments.也许很有必要花一段时间冷静地审视自己的失意和怨恨。

13.(concrete)+ evidence, facts不容置疑的;确凿的

We have no hard evidence to indicate that he is the culprit.我们没有确凿的证据证明他是罪犯。

There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.有关亨利•普赛尔生平的可靠资料或许比文艺复兴时期以来任何其他伟大作曲家的都要少。

14.+ water硬的;含无机盐的

He is a hard man in business.他是个精明的生意人。

16.(weather conditions)+ winter严酷的;+ light刺眼的;+ sound刺耳的

I am expecting a long, hard winter.我预计冬天会漫长而寒冷。

17.+ cash现金形式的
18.+ currency硬的(指货币价值稳定的)
19.+ credit难获得的;严格的
20.+ alcohol烈性的
21.+ drug易上瘾的;毒性强的
22.【物】+ radiation硬的;穿透力强的
23.【物】+ vacuum高的
24.+ goods耐用的
25.+ news重要的;严肃的
26.【言语】(not in modern usage)+ English consonants硬音的
27.【言语】+ Slavonic consonants非腭(音)化的
29.+ nuclear missiles设于地下严密防护的
30.+ left, right极端的;强硬的

the hard left极左分子

32.+ bread变硬的;发霉的;不新鲜的
to be hard going困难重重

The talks had been hard going at the start.会谈一开始就举步维艰。

to be hard hit受到沉重打击;受到严重影响

California's been particularly hard hit by the recession.加利福尼亚受经济衰退的影响尤为严重。

plans to create employment in areas hard hit by the economic depression在受到经济萧条重创的地区提供就业机会的计划

to be hard on sb
(severe with)严厉对待某人

Don't be so hard on him − it wasn't his fault.别难为他了, 这不是他的错。

situation +折磨某人

It was hard on the children splitting up like that.这样的分离让孩子们非常难受。

His behaviour has sometimes been hard on the whole family.他的行为有时让全家人跟着受罪。

to be hard on the eyes/ ears etc刺眼/刺耳等

The grey light was hard on the eyes after the candlelit church.从烛光闪烁的教堂出来后乍看到灰色的灯光让人觉得刺眼。

to be hard to please难以取悦;难以满足

Her manager is notoriously hard to please.她的经理是出了名的难对付。

to find it hard to believe that …难以相信…

I find it hard to believe that nobody heard me knocking.我很难相信居然没有人听见我敲门。

to find it hard to do sth觉得做某事很难

She found it hard to accept some of the criticisms made about her work.她觉得对她工作的一些批评难以接受。

hard by sth<过时>紧挨着某物

Paradise Street was a short, crowded street near the railway station and hard by the factory.天堂街是火车站附近一条拥挤的小街道, 紧挨着工厂。

a hard day's work一天的辛苦工作

After a hard day's work, I just didn't want to get my books out in the evening and study.辛苦工作一天之后, 到了晚上我一点都不想拿出书来学习。

hard doer<新西兰>吃苦耐劳者
hard done by sth<英>因…受到不公正对待;因…受委屈

The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.大堂行李员因被迫延长当班时间而感到很委屈。

The team are feeling very hard done by — it wasn't a fair decision at all.队员们都觉得很不公平, 这根本就不是个公正的决定。

a hard nut to crack

Simon was a much harder nut to crack than Natalie.西蒙比纳塔莉更难说服。


The Kyoto Accord is one hard nut to crack.《京都议定书》晦涩难懂。

hard to say难以预料;难说

Which way the vote will go? It's hard to say.投票结果会怎样?这很难说。

It's hard to say what he'll do next.很难预料他接下去会怎么做。

hard to tell很难说;说不准

It's hard to tell.这很难说。

It's hard to tell what the effect will be.会有什么影响还说不准。

hard up<非正式>(poor)拮据的;手头紧的

He was really hard up and couldn't afford to eat out.他确实手头拮据, 没有钱在外面吃饭。

hard up for sth

hard up for suggestions急需建议的

it's hard work doing sth做某事很辛苦

It's hard work serving in a shop.在商店做服务员很辛苦。

Looking after young children is very hard work.照看小孩是个苦差事。

to play hard to get故作冷漠;故作不感兴趣

I wanted her and she was playing hard to get.我想得到她, 而她却故意拿架子。

to put the hard word on<澳,新西兰,非正式>向…提出要求

Christmas is hardly the time to put the hard word on the boss.圣诞节可不是向老板提要求的时候。

to take sth hard为某事非常苦恼(或难过)

Maybe I just took it too hard.可能我真的对此事太过耿耿于怀。

hard² /hɑːd/ adv.
1.(with vigour)有力地;努力地

The team always played hard.球队总是打得很卖力。

2.+ left, right尽可能地;完全地

He drove hard left.他尽可能靠左行驶。

3.think, listen +专注地;专心地;try, fight +竭力地

He was thinking hard about what to do next.他正努力思考下一步该怎么做。

Cherie was trying hard not to laugh.谢丽正强忍住不笑出声来。

She has fought hard to bring the case to justice.她拼尽全力要使此案得到公正的审判。

4.hit, kick, push +猛地;用力地;重重地

He kicked the ball too hard.他把球踢得太重。

I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe.我对着垃圾箱猛踢了一脚, 结果踢断了大脚趾。

hard on his heels紧跟着他
6.work +勤勉地;专心致志地

I've been working hard all day.我一整天都在努力工作。

7.(with effort)艰苦地;努力地

Their victory was hard won.他们的胜利来之不易。


Prejudice dies hard.偏见难以消除。

to be hard put/pushed to do sth难以做某事

Mr Morton is undoubtedly cleverer than Mr Kirkby, but he will be hard put to match his popularity.莫顿先生无疑要比柯克比先生聪明, 但在受欢迎程度方面远不如他。

I'd be hard pushed to teach him anything.我很难教他点什么。

to freeze hard/be frozen hard冻住;冻硬

The snow was frozen hard.雪已经冻硬了。

to go hard with sb使某人痛苦;使某人为难

It will go hard with you if you don't tell the truth.如果你不说实话, 会吃苦头的。

hard at it努力工作;用功

They had been hard at it since we arrived.我们到了之后他们一直在努力工作。

to laugh hard大笑

I've never seen Terry laugh so hard.我从没见过特里这么开怀大笑过。

to look hard at sth
+ problem, issue认真考虑某事

We need to look hard at the reasons for these poor results.我们需要认真考虑造成这些不理想结果的原因。

Photojournalists need to look hard at how to approach the changing marketplace.摄影记者需要仔细考虑从什么角度来反映这一不断变化的市场。

to look hard at sb/sth紧盯着某人/某物

He looked at me hard.他紧紧盯着我。

to rain/snow hard下大雨/大雪

It was snowing hard by the time night fell.夜幕降临时已是大雪纷飞。

to set hard固化

The concrete takes about 24 hours to set hard.混凝土要大约24小时才能固化。

hard³ /hɑːd/ n.




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